


上述案例强调了个人和城市警方面临的文化冲突。在丹麦文化中,让孩子无人看管是完全可以接受的,而对于美国人来说,他们被列为刑事犯罪。重要的是要明白,两个对立可能是正确的,但他们的文化背景的差异导致了冲突。安妮特·索伦森(Annette Sorensen)的“真相没有改变”的说法确认并证实了这一冲突(Skold 5-23)。
Appiah的文章指出了有关文化差异的相对论问题(Appiah 34)。为什么在瑞典将一个孩子留在一个无人看管的地方被认为是一种文化规范,而在美国却被视为刑事犯罪?这引起了对相对主义形式的质疑。在他的文章中,他讨论了文化不能被定义为“正确的”或“错误的”,个人必须接受这些差异的意义,一致努力尊重这些差异,而不会对其他人造成任何伤害。
此外,阿皮亚还通过考虑不同文化的不同价值观来质疑价值的现实。换句话说,不同文化背景下的价值和词汇在全球范围内有所不同(Skold 5-23)。在所有的社会里,如幸福,家庭和生活,都有普遍的,经验的和共同的价值观。但是,有些价值观并不普遍,诸如父母,美貌,女性和道德等价值观的定义是由不同的群体所决定的。这些价值可以通过交谈来分散,以便理解它们,规范和拥有它们,以形成我们的反应。


The case discussed above emphasizes the cultural clash faced by both, the individual and the city police. In the Danish culture it is perfectly acceptable to leave their children unattended while for Americans it is enlisted as a criminal offense. It is important to understand that both oppositions may be right on their own terms however the difference in their cultural backgrounds resulted in the conflict. Annette Sorensen’s statement “the truth hasn’t changed” identifies and corroborates this clash(Skold 5-23).
Appiah and How to Deal With Moral Disagreements
Appiah’s text points out the issue of relativism concerning the cultural differences (Appiah 34). Why is it that leaving a child unattended outside a restaurant is considered a cultural norm in Sweden while in America it is regarded as a criminal offense? This brings into question the form of relativism that is right. In his text, he discusses that cultures cannot be defined by being “right” or “wrong” and that individuals must be accepting of the significance of these differences and work unanimously towards generating respect for these differences without causing any harm to other individuals.
In addition, Appiah also questions the reality of values by taking into consideration the different values across various cultures. In other words, values and vocabulary varies across cultures globally(Skold 5-23). There are values that are both universal and empirical and common among all societies such as happiness, family and life. However, some values are not universal either; values such as parenthood, beauty, womanhood and ethics are defined differently by various groups. Such values can be dispersed by conversing them so as to comprehend them, regulate them and own them in order to shape our responses.