


2000,加拿大政府已经形成了 干预和国家主权国际委员会 (ICISS)作为对Kofi Annan的关注,在卢旺达的大屠杀和斯雷布雷尼察的回复(瓦伦蒂诺,2006)。在编码2001的第三次圆桌会议,“保护的责任”的建议是由伊格纳季耶夫和加利夫伊文斯 避免任何权利干预框架,以和平方式解决人道主义悲剧。作为一个结果,一个报告是由编码2001,被命名为“保护责任”发布。该报告强调了这个事实,自由不仅要求基本权利,但它也需要一定的责任(A,2008)。特别是,责任是从一个国家的角度来看,因为它可以帮助保护其人民免受任何潜在的犯罪或侵犯。


2001编码的报告后,有一个关键的发展,发生责任担当框架。从2005九月14-16日,“世界峰会”的会议在纽约召开(班农,2005)。各国元首和各国政府首脑参加了这次重要的首脑会议。在世界首脑会议上,保护的责任被赋予了相当的重要性。虽然首脑会议的结果在一定程度上是可以预见的,但一些相当大的修改,责任的概念,以保护。这些修正案只适用于与大规模暴行和种族灭绝有关的罪行,与人权的侵犯无关。除此之外,联合国安理会已成为唯一允许干涉任何国家内爆发或骚乱的管理机构。也有一个共识,在大众层面上建立一个 人权理事会。包括首脑会议的其他关键点包括:

  • 坚持责任保护公民已经遭受侵犯人权
  • 强调建设和平委员会和预防暴力,也跟着走向和平协议创造任何失效的结论
  • 向安理会提供足够的力量加强自己的能力和促进他们的人权在世界各地


International commission on intervention and state sovereignty (ICISS)

In 2000, the government of Canada had formed the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) as a reply to Kofi Annan’s concern regarding the mass genocide in Rwanda and Srebrenica (Valentino, 2006). At the third round table meeting of ICISS in 2001, the term “Responsibility to protect” was suggested by Michael Ignatieff and Gareth Evans for avoiding any right to intervention frameworks and to resolve humanitarian travesties in a peaceful manner. As a result, a report was released by ICISS in 2001 that was named as “Responsibility to Protect”. The report had emphasized on the fact that liberty entails not only fundamental rights but it also requires a certain level of responsibility (Arbour, 2008). In particular, responsibility is high from a state’s point of view as it can help in protecting its people from any potential crime or violation.

World Summit Outcome Document 2005

After the report of the ICISS in 2001, there was another crucial development that took place for responsibility to act framework. From 14-16 September 2005, “The World Summit” meeting was held in New York City (Bannon, 2005). Head of states and governments of various nations across the world had participated in this crucial summit. In the World Summit, the Responsibility to protect was given considerable importance. Though the outcome of the Summit was predictable to an extent but some considerable amendments were made to the concept of responsibility to protect. These amendments applied only to crimes related to mass atrocity and genocide and did not relate to violations of human rights. Apart from that, the UN Security Council had been was made the sole governing body for allowing intervention to any outbreak or riot within a state. There had also been a consensus at a mass level for setting up a council for Human Rights. Other key points which the summit covered included:

  • Adhering to the responsibility of protecting citizens that have been suffering from human rights violations
  • Emphasis on creation of a peace-building commission and prevention of any lapse for violence that had followed a conclusion towards peace agreements
  • Providing sufficient powers to the Security Council for strengthening their ability and promoting their human rights across the world