留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

本报告以引言开始。它包含了基于比率和比例对公司的全面评估。方法部分描述了用于编写报告的技术,即比率和比例。报告中解释了不同比例的比例。然后在结果和发现一节中提供了比率的图表。在分析和讨论一节中,详细地用图形表示比率,并在图的每个分析部分中分别给出改进该比率的过程作为讨论。关于扩大业务的四种资金来源的建议载于备忘录格式的建议一节。在本作业中,根据公司提供的案例研究、损益表和财务报表,向Fairfield Ltd.提交一份报告。比率分析被用作分析数据的工具。对这些比率进行关键分析,并向公司提供改进的过程。

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

不仅如此,在对所有数据进行严格的评估后,还要向公司主管提出建议。Fairfort Ltd.推出了一种新的基于糖的能量饮料,目前市场主要面向苏格兰。但许多新订单来自希腊、德国和澳大利亚的市场。现在,该公司在苏格兰有业务扩展,数据仅基于此业务提供。因此,需要提供上述关键的评估和报告,以便公司获得其职位,并考虑在其他国家进行扩张。本作业采用上述比率分析方法,对结果进行了连续两年的计算。只有8个比率可以计算,因为在这种情况下没有关于债务人、债权人和存货的信息。如果有这方面的资料,可以将其他三个效率比率列入债务人的催收期、债权人的催收期和存货周转率。

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

This report starts with an introduction. It contains a total evaluation of the company based on ratios and proportions. The methods part describes the techniques used for writing the report which is ratio and proportions. The different ratio proportions are explained which are being used in the report. A chart is then provided of the ratios in the results and findings section. In the analysis and discussion section a detailed graphical representation of ratios is done one after the other and along with each analysis part of the graph the process to improve that particular ratio is given as a discussion. The recommendation for four sources of finance for the expansion of the business is given in the Recommendation section in the memo format. In this assignment, a report is to be given to Fairfield Ltd. based on a case study, the income statement and the financial statement provided by the company. Ratio analysis is used as a tool for the analysis of data. The critical analysis of these ratios is to be made and the process for improvement is also to be provided to the company.

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估
Not only that but also a recommendation to the director of the company is to be sent after critically evaluating all the data. Fairfort Ltd. has launched a new sugar based energy drink for which the market is made in Scotland at present. But many new orders are coming from markets of Greek, Germany and Australia. Now it has its business expansions in Scotland and data are provided based on this business alone. Therefore, it is needed to provide the above mentioned critical evaluations and reports so that the company may access its position and consider for expansion in other countries as well. The results are calculated in this assignment for two successive years by the use of ratio analysis as is mentioned. Only eight ratios can be calculated as the information regarding the debtors, creditors and inventories are not available in this case. If this information were there, three other ratios of efficiency could have been included as the debtors’ collection period, the creditors’ collection period and the inventory turnover ratios.







How much does branding affect consumer behavior? How much does an individual identify with a brand or agrees upon its quality and more to the point of even accepting to make a selection from the brand and use it at all times? These are some questions that are more popularly dealt with in current media situations. The reasons for this is because brand is as it not only define the product, but also it is more of a mental connection created in the minds of the consumer. The consumer would cognize the brand as the product or the process that they are about to buy. When the consumer has a mental map created in their mind about a brand, then it is logical to assume that the consumer would use mental map to reason out when they need to buy a product. They would ask questions of the mental map as whether the brand is a quality one, whether it would fulfill their reason and in some cases where another brand is much better than this one. The research focuses on all these questions, especially the case of comparing two brands in order to identify which suits their cause.

Does brand have a role in such a comparative analysis, and whether branding theory can actually help consumer make decision when it comes to two brands that are the core focus of this research. Brands have a value of their own. Most branding theory is seen to support this notion that brands have a value of their own. In research conducted from the academia and also in the context of the Forbes magazine in 2012, it was reported that brand drives consumers to make decision. This was more evident in the case of big brands such as Apple. It was seen to create branding strategies for businesses and the recommendation made in research was that businesses should study big brands in order to identify how brand strategies work and then develop their own. Big brands seem to develop branding strategies specifically for the purpose of influencing a consumer and their mind state about the brand. They appeal more to the cognizant process in the consumer mind more than any other.







I am intrigued by many subjects, but my particular interest area is in Economics and Finance. Therefore, I wish to seek for my further education to obtain the master of social science in Construction Economics and Management at your institution. I subscribe to the view that my past academic performance, research and internship experiences, and the volunteering work are really rewarding.To start, as for my academic performance, from September 2012 to June 2014, I spent my two years studying in International Economics in Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai. My total credit acquired is 58 and my GPA is 2.5. With the aim to learn my major well, I usually make notes carefully in class and in my spare time, I frequently go to the library to search for books and materials to extend my knowledge scope in finance. I often log in some foreign websites to pay close attention to some international news and the development of the global finance. Then in the following, from September 2014 to June 2016, I went overseas to study in Bangor University and successfully obtained my bachelor degree in the major of Banking and Finance.

As for my internship experience, I once spent two months working in China Ping An Bank as a bank teller in 2015. At that time, I was responsible for understanding the basic structure and operating procedures of the bank, introducing the bank products, helping the clients to open debit cards or credit cards, and enhancing the marketing sales of the POS machines. Indeed, this work was very challenging, because sometimes it was rather hard for others to believe in you and buy your product without some good communication and marketing skills. However, I did not shrink back at the sight of the present difficulties, but got rid of my self-abasement and enhanced my self-confidence. Dare to say that this period of experience strengthened my professional knowledge and broadened my eyesight. In addition, I also joined in the Red Cross to do some volunteering work, such as collecting materials and making a classification of them. Through doing my little bit share to help others, I was taught how to be a person with great sense of responsibility.

personal statement 代写:机票营销方式

personal statement 代写:机票营销方式

技术的变化,以及消费者之间的变化,使得消费者在需要什么和什么时候做出更明智的决定。平均消费者支出的增加也是企业(如航空公司)根据个人因素提价的原因之一。超过81%的消费者正在寻找更好的体验,因此为了更好地体验航空公司正在改变的高数量(红木海岸,CA和Reading, 2012)。本报告的重点是将有关消费者行为的经济理论或原则应用于航空业。对于以消费者为导向的企业来说,最重要的是消费者的体验。在当前时间,经验是有代价的。如果消费者希望获得更好的体验,就需要付出更多的代价(Redwood Shores, CA and Reading, 2012)。企业也会寻找类似的个人资料,因为他们的大部分业务都来自他们唯一的业务。更忠诚的客户意味着更频繁的销售,从而提高整体销售。

personal statement 代写:机票营销方式

该报告调查了航空公司的情况,消费者根据自己的个人信息支付机票价格,或者按照他们的需求增加价格。在这种情况下,航空公司最担心的是,有时他们的座位会空出来,因为他们找不到更忠诚的消费者,来享受全程票价(Mankiw,和Taylor, 2011)。一些繁忙或最频繁的路线,如果价格上涨,消费者会选择其他航班或其他旅行选择。根据经济学原理,成本越高,销售越低,所以对于航空公司来说,他们不能总是保持相同的选择。《澳大利亚金融评论》(Australian Financial Review) 2015年7月刊登的一篇文章《你为机票支付的价格正在变得个性化》(The price you pay for a airline ticket is becoming personal)正确地解释了航空公司为机票支付的价格肯定是基于消费者的,或者说是出于个人的考虑。

personal statement 代写:机票营销方式

The change in technology and also among the consumers has led to make smarter decisions of what consumer need and what time. The increase in average consumer spending is also one of the reasons where businesses for example, airlines are increasing their prices according to the personal. More than 81% consumers are looking for better experience, and hence to make better experience airlines are changing high amount (Redwood Shores, CA and Reading, 2012). The focus of this report is to apply economic theory or principles to the airlines industry in respect to the consumer behaviour. For consumer oriented business, the most important part is the experience for consumers. In the current time, experience comes with price. If a consumer looking for better experience means need to pay more price (Redwood Shores, CA and Reading, 2012). Businesses also look for similar kind of profiles as their most businesses come from their only. More loyal customer means more frequent sales, and hence increase in overall sales.

personal statement 代写:机票营销方式
This report examines airline scenario, where consumer pays as per his/her profile to the airline tickets or as per their need with increase to the price. The most concern for airlines in this case is that sometime their seats gets empty, as they do not find more loyal consumers to travel all time price (Mankiw, and Taylor, 2011). Some of the busy or most frequent routes, if the price increases, consumer choose to find alternative flights or other travel options. According to economic principle, higher the cost lower the sales so in case of airlines, they cannot maintain the same options always. The article “The price you pay for an airline ticket is becoming personal”, in Australian Financial Review July 2015, explains correctly that the price that is being paid to airlines for tickets is definitely going based on consumer or say as becoming personal.



重要的是,要使人民联系起来,没有任何未经授权的措施,例如从人民手中拿走钱。很多时候,中介可以用金钱换取人们(Trimper et al, 2014)。捐款应该由人民的利益直接决定。重要的是要确保没有任何非法的措施来接受捐赠。任何人都不应该被迫捐款。不应该有任何违法的措施被实施,比如殴打人们或骚扰他们来捐款(Manton et al, 2014)。当行医者涉及到社会问题和慈善事业时,道德构成了一个非常重要的部分。应该确保,如果项目得到赞助,那么赞助商应该参与组织的不同活动。




It is important that in order to connect the people, no unauthorized measures such as taking of the money from the people is done. Many times are agents who can get the people in exchange of the money (Trimper et al, 2014). The donations should be done by the interest of the people directly. It is important to ensure that there aren’t any unlawful measures which shall be implemented to take the donation. No one should be forced to give the donation. There shouldn’t be any unlawful measures that are implemented such as beating the people or molesting them to donate money (Manton et al, 2014). Ethics forms a very important part when the practitioner involves himself in social issues and charities. It should be ensured that if the program is sponsored, there should be the involvement of the sponsor in different events of the organization.

The fellow sponsors should ensure that the money is reaching the right people. They should give the entire money in the form of cheque only.It is important to ensure that the money which is given as donation is authentic and is taken from the right sources. The money which is used for the donation shouldn’t be the black money. Also, the money which is used for the campaign should be completely legal (Jackson et al, 2012).The date of publication for St. Bart’s Homeless for a Day should be the last Saturday of the month so that the people can get the efficient information and also the proper decision for the donation.




世界經濟增長所面臨的主要問題之一是增加失業,特別是在青年中。根據英國下議院工黨圖書館(House of Commons library for Labour)的評估,英國16-24歲年齡段的失業人數已超過49.8萬人。與1992年以來的任何時候相比,年輕人受到這場危機的打擊最為嚴重,上述年齡組的失業率為14.4%,根據國家統計局(ONS)公開提供的數據(Boffey, 2015),年輕人佔總勞動人口的5.7%。英國政府制定了幾項計劃,打算在未來10年將既不學習也不工作的人數減少至少15%。政府制定了雄心勃勃的目標,要把失業率降至有記錄以來的最低水平。


Though the problems discussed here are of very wide nature and the data available for them is extremely huge, therefore the report is kept on track to include only the relevant data, facts and figures. These issues are global and the solution for them could not devised overnight. However, attempt is made in this report to summarize the possible solutions for various problems discussed here with reference to the UK.The world is making fast progress in every possible field. However, the issues which are dragging back its growth are the same old classic ones. The problem of poverty, inequality, unemployment and lack of skills is plaguing the social as well as the economic growth of several countries around the globe. Even though these problems are at worst stage in the under developed or still developing world economies, nevertheless, even in the developed nations like the United Kingdom (UK), these are the matter of concern for the government as well as capitalist structure.

One of the major problems faced by the world growth is increasing unemployment especially among the youth. In UK the unemployment among the people in age group of 16-24 had crossed the number of 498,000 as per the evaluation by the House of Commons library for Labour. The youth are worst hit by this crisis compared to any time since 1992 with unemployment rate being 14.4% for above mentioned age group, and 5.7% overall of the total working population as per the data provided publically by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) (Boffey, 2015).There are several plans laid out by the government of the UK to reduce the number of people who are neither studying nor working by at least 15 per cent in the coming next 10 years. It is ambitious goal set by government to bring down the unemployment rate to its lowest ever since the records began.



如今,几乎所有的年轻人都有自己的智能手机,并且至少拥有一个社交网站账户。这种趋势引起了欺凌的形式逐渐变异成网络欺凌─故意行为和造成的重复伤害通过使用电脑,手机,和其他数字技术(网络欺凌,2014)。网络欺凌的形式包括恶意评论、视频、谣言和图片,已经引发了许多青少年问题,如滥用毒品、自残和自杀。根据Ditch The Label annual bullying survey 2016,去年有150多万年轻人被他人欺负。因此,本文的目的是探讨网络欺凌的原因和影响,提出解决问题的方案,并进一步评价这些方案的有效性。至于原因,青少年在遇到一些不公平的社会现象时,更倾向于倾吐情绪而不考虑后果。其次,网络文化、网络道德缺失、网络社会问题管理不善也是造成网络欺凌行为发生的原因之一。




Nowadays, nearly all young adults have their own smart phone and own at least one social networking site account. This trend has caused the form of bullying which gradually mutate into cyberbullying ─ the deliberate behavior and the repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other digital technologies (What is Cyberbullying, 2014). The forms of cyberbullying include malicious comments, videos, rumors and pictures, and have triggered off a lot of teens issues, like drugs abuse, self-injuries and committing suicide. According to The Ditch the Label annual bullying survey 2016, more than 1.5 million young people have been bullied by others last year. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to discuss the causes and effects of cyberbullying, suggest solutions to deal with this problem, and further evaluate the effectiveness of these solutions. As for the reasons, youngsters are more likely to pour out their emotions without considering the consequences, when meeting some social unfair phenomena. Secondly, the Internet culture, the lack of network ethics, and the poor management of the problems brought forth in the network society also contribute a lot to the occurrence of cyberbullying behavior.

In addition, adults are slow to respond to cyberbullying and the victims tend to conceal the bullying for the fear of threats, which makes bulliers feel that there are little to no consequence to their actions (End to Cyberbullying Organisation, 2015). To solve the cyberbullying problems, both the government and school play a very significant role. To start, the government can make legislations to fight against cyberbullying and enforce social networking site companies to post some advertisements to remind the young people that they need to respond to their own malicious behaviors. Besides, government can assist the public to shoulder their own responsibilities to care for and educate the youngsters. For instance, they can paste eye-catching and comprehensible posters and advertisements at the bus stops, on the buses or at the underground stations to spread the messages of what the adults should do when their children are faced with cyberbullying and how they can successfully avoid the youngsters to bully others through comics or slogan. Furthermore, the government can also set up departments to provide more ways for the cyberbullying victims to bravely voice out what they have experienced, such as the anonymous 24-hour hotline and online chatting.





2015年10月,公司倒闭了80%。令人失望的原因是产品组合不佳,市场上平板电脑、游戏和配件销售不佳,黑客活动的推广活动增加。人们预计,在2016年,该公司将减少约500万美元和800万美元(Levine, 1997)。迪克史密斯组织近年来目睹了一场大崩溃。由于经济崩溃,大约有3000个工作岗位流失。由于Dicksmith的组织绩效不佳,购物者并不认为该组织是一个“价值比例”。公司的促销信息没有反映给客户。因此,公司的组织绩效也一直在降低财务绩效。董事们之间也有内部冲突,导致公司组织绩效不佳(Benninga, 2008)。


Dicksmith is one of the biggest retailers in Australia for selling the consumer electronics. Started in the year 1968, the company has emerged to be a success in Australia. The company has done the takeover a number of brands such as the ‘Woolworths’, ‘Powerhouse’, etc. The company delivers all kind of electronics products both online and offline. Thus the organization has been successful in capturing the Australia’s electronic market. However, in the recent times, there is a rapid decrease in the shares of the company leading to the great loss. This has led to the decrease in the overall position of the company. In the report, the discussion will be done on the four financial functions of Dicksmith, and the comparison of the same with the functions of other companies. Further, the recommendation will be provided to Dicksmith for improving their business.Recently, Discksmith has been going through a tough phase with respect to its financial performance. There has been a huge crash in the share markets.

In the month of October 2015, the company crashed by 80%. The reasons for the disappointing performance is because of the poor product mix, disappointing sales of tablets, gaming and accessories in the market and increase in the promotional activity of hacking. It has been expected that during the year 2016, the company will observe a drop of around $5 million and 8 million (Levine, 1997).The organization Dicksmith has witnessed a great collapse in the recent times. Because of the collapse, there was a loss of around 3000 jobs. Because of the poor organizational performance of Dicksmith, the shoppers aren’t thinking about the organization as a “value proportion”. The promotional messages of the company aren’t reflecting to the customer. Thus the organizational performance of the company has been downgrading the financial performance as well. There is also an internal conflict between the directors who are leading to a poor organizational performance of the company (Benninga, 2008).







For any news media, it is essential to construct a concept of audience. The conceptualization of the audience is what then leads to the news frames of presentation. The concept of audience as BBC constructs it are that of the consumer, the citizen and the less commonly critic. The consumer role as BBC views would be that of a reflection on actual experiences of the consumer, the viewers or listeners of the show. The citizen and the critic are more complex roles. This division presented in the research study does make sense. As a follower of BBC, CNN and some of the other local news media channels, it can be observed that each of the channels has something for everybody. True some of the channels like BBC might have a very distinctive audience; however, it doesn’t mean that BBC does not focus on comprehensive segments. The purpose of this research is to understand how the BBC constructs its concepts of audiences based on research and the factors that might influence its decision in the construction of audiences.

The research also attempts to understand how it monitors audience encounter with science in its media segment offerings. The research argues that BBC by undertaking thorough research on its consumers by making use of both traditional research tools such as that of the interview methods and more, and also by using technology driven tools such as that of intelligent data analytics is able to make them a part of the bourgeois sphere of reasoning in a complete way. Now according to the construction concept of audience, this is how BBC views its consumer segment of audience as seen in research. The consumer segment is the majority, as most audiences would usually view BBC media segments as a consumer; this is so basic a segment that it is considered as the default mode. The relationship of a consumer with that of a BBC programme is hence in the form of a consumer experience, as something being offered from the BBC media end and is consumed by the consumer. The research study had a customer state that they did not think BBC differentiates its programmes.



在过去的几十年里,以发达国家为基地的多国组织已转向发展中国家进行其一些商业活动,特别是低薪工作。这个过程被宽泛地称为外包或外包(Estevez-Abe et al., 2015)。这是公司业务活动的某些方面转移到另一个国家的另一个组织(Milberg et al., 2013)。国际外包的主要方式是复杂而可理解的。发达国家的企业将部分工作外包给发展中国家,因为它们对效率和成本节约感到厌倦。它给发达国家和发展中国家以及这些国家的劳动力带来了巨大的利益和机遇(Scott et al., 2014)。然而,外包行业的发展也带来了弊端。在本文中,重点将放在发展中国家的低薪外包工作上(Williams et al., 2013)。此外,所提出的论点是关于这种工作的,这种工作对发展中国家的工人来说并不是一种严格的积极发展,因为它继续从财政和均衡的角度对劳动力产生消极的影响。


外包并不是全球化经济中新出现的东西。Ghemawat表示,过去几年的外包规模已经超过了以往的水平(中国国家统计局,2015)。这只是由于计算机以及通信技术的进步以及全球化(美利坚合众国,2016)。这些导致了工作外包比以前更加普遍,并且涉及了许多发达国家和发展中国家。例如,不难发现,商店、精品店、药店甚至超市里的几乎每一种产品都是生产出来的,或者就像“外国制造”标签上写的那样(Webster et al., 2006)。近几十年来,在欧洲、美国等发达国家,甚至在日本等亚洲国家(ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 2014),以相对较低的价格找到当地生产的产品已经变得越来越耗时(ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 2014)。本地生产的产品比国外生产的产品越来越贵,也越来越难找。这是由于发达国家的工资比发展中国家高的原因。公司倾向于为发展中国家的工厂外包订单以节省投入(Pavcnil et al., 2007)。


In the previous various decades, multinational organizations with their base in developed nations have turned towards developing nations for carrying out some of their activities of business especially the low paying jobs. This process is known loosely as offshoring or outsourcing (Estevez-Abe et al., 2015). This is the transfer of certain aspect of business activity in a company for another organization in another nation (Milberg et al., 2013). The main method of international outsourcing works in a complex yet understandable way. Companies from developed countries outsources part of their work to developing countries for the sick of efficiency and cost saving. It has brought enormous benefits and opportunities to both developed and developing countries and the labor force in such countries (Scott et al., 2014). However, disadvantages also came along with the development of the outsourcing sector. In this essay, the focus will be on the low-paid outsourcing job in developing countries (Williams et al., 2013). Furthermore, the argument presented is on this type of job which is not a strict positive development for workers in developing countries, as it has continued to affect the labor force negatively from both financial and equilibrium point of view.


Outsourcing is not something that has newly developed within the globalized economies. According to Ghemawat, the outsourcing scale in the previous years has dwarfed the levels that have been seen in previous times (National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2015). This is only due to computer as well as communication technology advancements along with globalization (United States of America, 2016). These have caused outsourcing of job to have more prevalence than it did and has involved a major number of developed as well as developing nations. For instance, it is not difficult to find out that almost every product in shops, boutique, pharmacy and even supermarket is produced or as it is stated on the label ‘made’ in a foreign country (Webster et al., 2006). In the recent decades, it has become more and more time-consuming to find a locally made product at a relatively lower price in developed countries such as European countries, the United States and even in Asian countries like Japan (ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 2014). Locally produced products have become more and more expensive and more difficult to look for than the foreign made products. This is due to the reason that developed countries have rather a high salary than developing countries have. Companies tend to outsource orders for developing countries’ factories to save inputs (Pavcnil et al., 2007).