


在过去的几十年里,以发达国家为基地的多国组织已转向发展中国家进行其一些商业活动,特别是低薪工作。这个过程被宽泛地称为外包或外包(Estevez-Abe et al., 2015)。这是公司业务活动的某些方面转移到另一个国家的另一个组织(Milberg et al., 2013)。国际外包的主要方式是复杂而可理解的。发达国家的企业将部分工作外包给发展中国家,因为它们对效率和成本节约感到厌倦。它给发达国家和发展中国家以及这些国家的劳动力带来了巨大的利益和机遇(Scott et al., 2014)。然而,外包行业的发展也带来了弊端。在本文中,重点将放在发展中国家的低薪外包工作上(Williams et al., 2013)。此外,所提出的论点是关于这种工作的,这种工作对发展中国家的工人来说并不是一种严格的积极发展,因为它继续从财政和均衡的角度对劳动力产生消极的影响。


外包并不是全球化经济中新出现的东西。Ghemawat表示,过去几年的外包规模已经超过了以往的水平(中国国家统计局,2015)。这只是由于计算机以及通信技术的进步以及全球化(美利坚合众国,2016)。这些导致了工作外包比以前更加普遍,并且涉及了许多发达国家和发展中国家。例如,不难发现,商店、精品店、药店甚至超市里的几乎每一种产品都是生产出来的,或者就像“外国制造”标签上写的那样(Webster et al., 2006)。近几十年来,在欧洲、美国等发达国家,甚至在日本等亚洲国家(ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 2014),以相对较低的价格找到当地生产的产品已经变得越来越耗时(ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 2014)。本地生产的产品比国外生产的产品越来越贵,也越来越难找。这是由于发达国家的工资比发展中国家高的原因。公司倾向于为发展中国家的工厂外包订单以节省投入(Pavcnil et al., 2007)。


In the previous various decades, multinational organizations with their base in developed nations have turned towards developing nations for carrying out some of their activities of business especially the low paying jobs. This process is known loosely as offshoring or outsourcing (Estevez-Abe et al., 2015). This is the transfer of certain aspect of business activity in a company for another organization in another nation (Milberg et al., 2013). The main method of international outsourcing works in a complex yet understandable way. Companies from developed countries outsources part of their work to developing countries for the sick of efficiency and cost saving. It has brought enormous benefits and opportunities to both developed and developing countries and the labor force in such countries (Scott et al., 2014). However, disadvantages also came along with the development of the outsourcing sector. In this essay, the focus will be on the low-paid outsourcing job in developing countries (Williams et al., 2013). Furthermore, the argument presented is on this type of job which is not a strict positive development for workers in developing countries, as it has continued to affect the labor force negatively from both financial and equilibrium point of view.


Outsourcing is not something that has newly developed within the globalized economies. According to Ghemawat, the outsourcing scale in the previous years has dwarfed the levels that have been seen in previous times (National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2015). This is only due to computer as well as communication technology advancements along with globalization (United States of America, 2016). These have caused outsourcing of job to have more prevalence than it did and has involved a major number of developed as well as developing nations. For instance, it is not difficult to find out that almost every product in shops, boutique, pharmacy and even supermarket is produced or as it is stated on the label ‘made’ in a foreign country (Webster et al., 2006). In the recent decades, it has become more and more time-consuming to find a locally made product at a relatively lower price in developed countries such as European countries, the United States and even in Asian countries like Japan (ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 2014). Locally produced products have become more and more expensive and more difficult to look for than the foreign made products. This is due to the reason that developed countries have rather a high salary than developing countries have. Companies tend to outsource orders for developing countries’ factories to save inputs (Pavcnil et al., 2007).