

2015年,这一比例甚至更高,这不仅是充分的,也是不必要的。管理当局将需要降低流动资产的水平,或将流动资产的一部分投资于短期有利息的投资。如果通过有效的催收降低贸易应收账款的水平,然后将多余的现金进行短期投资(Atrill, 2013),那么这个比例可以变得更好。速动或速动比率衡量的是费尔菲尔德有限公司在下个季度偿还未偿流动负债的能力,比率水平表明在这方面有足够的资产。2014年的速动比率为2.67,2015年则高达4.54。这意味着库存水平的下降,因此公司有足够的资产在短期内应付立即付款(Dyson, 2007)。

负债比率是指公司(费尔菲尔德有限公司)的整体资本组合中债务的使用情况,常与所使用的股本进行比较。高负债意味着很高的固定利息成本,这给企业经营带来了压力。Fairfield limited的资本负债率较低,2014年为32.46%,2015年为47.68%。所以对债务没有太大的顾虑,情况完全在公司管理层的控制之下。同样,2014年的时报利息是6.78倍,2015年是15.83倍。这意味着长期和有利息债务的供应商没有直接的担忧,因为公司的经营利润足以覆盖公司的固定利息成本。(卡尔·s·沃伦,2012)


In 2015, the ratio has even gone higher which is not only adequate but unnecessary. It would be required on the part of the management to reduce the level of current assets or invest part of the same in short term interest bearing investments. The ration can get better, if the level of trade receivables is lowered through effective collection, and then putting the excess cash in short term investment (Atrill, 2013). The quick or acid test ratio measures the ability of Fairfield Limited to make payments of current liabilities outstanding in the next quarter and the ratio levels indicates towards availability of adequate assets in this regard. The quick ratio is 2.67 in 2014 and the same is quite high at 4.54 in 2015. This indicates towards lower inventory levels, and thus the firm has adequate assets in the short term to deal with immediate payments (Dyson, 2007).

Gearing is an indication towards the use of debt in the overall capital mix of a company (Fairfield limited) and is often compared to the Equity utilized. A high gearing is an indication toward very high fixed interest cost and which puts strain of the business operations. The Fairfield limited has a low degree of debt in the capital employed since the gearing is only 32.46% in 2014 and 47.68% in 2015. So there is no great concern regarding debts and the situation is absolutely under control of the company management. Similarly, the times interest covered is 6.78 times in 2014 and 15.83 times in 2015. This means the suppliers of long term and interest bearing debts have no immediate cause of concern, as the operation profits of the firm has adequate cover for the fixed interest costs of the firm. (Carl S. Warren, 2012)






There was a high level of political tensions in the Nations After the Second World war. China had started to embrace the notions of socialism and the state became a communist regime. The notion of communism and socialistic agenda was starting to spread to other Asian nations such as Japan, Korea to name a few. The nations were actively involved in spreading socialistic or capitalistic ideologies into the different countries. It was during this conference, the Peace Treaty with Japan was signed. It was signed between the Allied powers and Japan. It was originally signed by 48 countries on September 8t 1951 in San Francisco United States. This came into force on 28th April 1952 .The purpose of signing this treaty with the member nations was significant. It was to end the Japanese imperialistic powers.

By signing this treaty, Japan had agreed to compensate the allied civilians and prisoners of war who were subjected to oppression during the war. It was to assuage the war crimes that was committed by Japan during World War II. This treaty was framed based on the United Nations Charter. Along with this treaty, Security treaty was signed on the same day. This was considered to be the inception point of the San Francisco System. This was to signify the role of Japan relationship with the United States. It was during this treaty singing that the legal status of Taiwan was brought into contention. Taiwan province and the independence of the nations were a subject of controversy. The laws were obscure leading to the issue of sovereignty of Taiwan. The nations that were opposed to these treaty was Russia and China. The views of each of these nations are elucidated in detail in the following.






Document the specifications for the various components of the proposed compliance management system in accordance with organizational procedures and any relevant statutory requirements.The development of compliance management system would require adequate management of the working of the plan for the handling of the employees and concerned staff including the compliance officer. The statutory requirement mandates development of a position of a designated officer who is likely to develop norms and policies within the organization. Further, the statutory requirements make a necessity for clearly providing details of the processes, which have been carried out for the overall management of the compliances. It will get the organizational procedures in terms of hierarchy, and the flow of information which is supposed to take place within the working of the organization.

Document an action schedule for implementing, reviewing and maintaining the planned compliance management system and how would you then disseminate this action schedule to the relevant stakeholders?The schedule would first identify the main needs of the compliance management system. After which the objectives and the scope of the plans would be detailed. Once this process is done, the process of implementation of the system would entail development and setting aside of the various resources which are required for the purpose of this exercise. Once personnel and resources are clearly identified and allocated, the process of implementation will begin which would be reviewed on regular intervals as per pre-decided time-frame. The dissemination of the schedule to the relevant stakeholders would be done on the basis of the overall working information management system within the working of the operations of the organization.



绩效考核:员工的绩效考核深深地依赖于知觉过程。一个工人的潜力与他或她的评估直接相关——晋升、加薪和工作的继续只是一般影响中的少数几个。绩效评估意味着对员工工作的评估(Keller, 2011)。评价员工的努力程度:在众多企业中,员工的努力程度具有重要意义。评价一个人的尝试是一个主观的决定,对感性的扭曲和偏爱作出反应。评估员工的忠诚度:管理者对员工做出的一个更重要的决定是他们是否对公司忠诚。杰出领导者与其他人的不同之处在于,他们在处理个人和等级问题时处理观念的能力。

个人经常看到或评价的作为一个领导者的能力和他的生存能力变成了他们的看法。这种看法变成了事实。这些未经管理的认知变成了一个意想不到的事实,描绘了企业领导者的形象。在这种情况下,员工开始根据形成的感知推断来自领导者的数据和决策。管理这种感知需要询问和接受他人的批评。许多领导者通常不会一直受到批评,如果有批评,通常也不是最有成效的(Elliott, 2008)。不过,好的批评会提供数据,告诉员工他的表现如何。


Performance Appraisals: A worker’s performance appraisal is deeply reliant on the perceptual procedure. A worker’s potential is directly related to his or her assessment – promotions, payment rises and continuance of job are few of the general effects. The performance appraisal signifies an estimation of a worker’s job (Keller, 2011). Evaluating the Extent of Attempt: In numerous firms, the extent of a worker’s attempt is to provide huge significance. Appraisal of one’s attempts is a subjective decision responsive to perceptual twists and partiality. Evaluating Devotion: One more vital decision that managers take regarding workers is whether they are devoted to the firm or not.What separates extraordinary leaders from others is their capacity to deal with perceptions during dealing with individuals and hierarchical issues.

What individuals regularly see or evaluate as one’s capacity to be a leader and his viability turns into their perception. This perception gets to be the truth. The unmanaged perceptions turn into an unexpected truth that depict the firms’ leader’s image. In that case, staffs start to infer data and decisions originating from the leaders with regards to the perception formed. Managing of the perception needs to make inquiries and get criticism from other people. Many leaders normally don’t get criticism all the time and, if provided, it is generally not in the most productive way (Elliott, 2008). Though, a good criticism gives data that tells the employee how he’s performing.






Folktales and Fairy tales across all regions serve a basic function. They are used to teach lessons and morals in a simple and easy to understand manner. Before the advent of the written word, these stories were handed down from generation to generation. The stories kept accumulating with each generation. This accumulated treasure trove of knowledge continues to educate as well as inform one and all. The three stories shosen for the purpose of this essay are A Nigerian folktale called The King’s Magic Drum; A Chinese folktale called How Greed for a Trifling Thing Led a Man to Lose a Great One ; and – A European Folktale called The two brothers and the white-bearded old man.In the tale of greedy son, the differences in the behavior of son’s is seen. He is an innocent who selflessly loves and cares for his mother.

He has aspects of the Orphan wherein all men are created equal and the Caregiver (he takes care of his mother). However, we see the elder brother’s greed and his readiness to risk his mother’s life for personal gain. The old man is the magician, and the creator. The two brothers created from his mother’s body- teach a lesson in humility and love to the elder brother.In the tale of the greedy brother, the elder brother is greedy, while the younger brother is picturised as the hero. Yet, he is the regualar guy next door, who is ready to work hard and be a caregiver (helping the old man carry the sack).Each story is crafted in a manner that would appeal across all ages and remain a favorite across generations.
























My colleagues were very friendly and nice as well. Their amicability comforted my anxious mood posed by the unfamiliar environment. Next, I picked up my own stationery in the basement storage and printed the marketing guidebook. I got many documents from my supervisor which I was supposed to learn. I found them useful and professional for my working preparation stage. Finally, as a new trainee, I had to apply for regular privileges before starting to work, such as the access authority to office email, website, company social network and the internal communication platform. Thanks to the quite timely, accurate and detailed IT service, I installed essential software and got familiar with them soon. After finishing these three steps, I was ready to start working.My internship in the company were full of changes and variety, in which I really experienced and learnt a lot.

I had been involved in the management process of three events organised by the Department of Marketing, which will get explained in the following. It was a meeting of Partner Advisory Board held by the Channel Department of Huawei. CEOs from the top 30 strategic alliances and global partners were invited to communicate and discuss the cooperation plan for the next stage. This was the first activity that I got involved, so it took me more time than the other two to learn and tackle the tasks.As a member of the marketing team, even though there was no need for me to draft the agenda and the invitation list, I still did my share to assist my team in communicating with the Channel Department so as to confirm the agenda, the invitation list and the demands for a venue. Then we presented the requirements to the event suppliers, let them select the venue and book the conference rooms, hotels and flight tickets for the guests.






The insurance companies are considered to have a number of legal clauses and are generally considered to be a mundane subject. The companies such as Cap Gemini, Prudential insurance are trying to break away from this paradigm. They have started to structure their insurance policies to reach out to the consumers. The insurance companies are trying to bridge the gap in the service marketing sectors by focusing on developing their digital content. The employees in these companies are able to understand the service requirements of the modern day consumers in the portals . There are many emerging newer trends that have been developed based on the social media. Learning has been made easier in this process. Any newer trends have been made easily available for the people to learn in this process. Social networking showcases information from across the globe . People have access to newer knowledge and development in technology. Knowledge sharing and access to knowledge are faster in this process.

In some cases, the people have been found to learn a particular concept through audio or visual content. Some people prefer their learning to occur based on text. The social media provides avenues for the people to learn the concepts based on their preference. It is easier to create dynamic learning content through these modules. In spite of these advantages, there are also significant disadvantages in this process.The major disadvantages which the social media informal learning process is that the failure of the managers to fully comprehend the utility of the social media learning process. It is still considered to be a frivolous activity by some of the companies. This impedes the learning processes. There is also a lack of literature that fully comprehends all the activities of the social media tools. There has been serious development of the social media technology that has not been fully grasped by the companies.



这些文字表明,尽管愤怒扼住了他的脖子,但他并不后悔。他把他们唱歌的场景称为黑暗场景,但并不是暗场景的象征,而是暗场景中有很多黑暗的时刻。然而一旦他们在场景中,他们就会撞到灯。这里的hit the lights有两种理解。首先,一旦Hetfield在舞台上撞到灯,他的忧郁离开了他,他不再只是一个愤怒的人。其次,它可以被认为是他们的首张歌曲“Hit the lights”在他们的专辑“Kill ‘ em All”,这被认为是他们最受欢迎的,因为它使他们成名。在《杀死他们所有人》的主题曲中,一旦他们亮了灯,所有其他乐队就会陷入黑暗。所以在一个相似的音符中,作曲家的态度可以在这里看到,当他写这首歌的时候,他在一个地方接受了愤怒辅导,然而他相信一旦他登上舞台,他就是神奇的。这在金属乐队中是很典型的。在金属中,表现通常是真实的和发自内心的。

它们是个人化的,而且在个人化方面,它们希望它在意义上更原始。作家们所感受到的蓝调并没有以一种外交的方式呈现在其他流派中。说得更直白些。赫特菲尔德说,他打球的时候,挂在脖子上的大奖章套索掉了下来。这是真的,尽管舞台上有很多争议和他们的损失,但是一旦他们在舞台上他们就有了一群被吸引住的观众,这体现在赫菲尔德的态度中,他写道,他自己挂起了绞索。Metallica(重金属)仍被认为是重金属的一种非常清晰的代表。金属乐队带来了重金属最真实的感觉,不仅体现在所用的乐器、歌词和构图的形式上,还体现在圣·朗格(St. Anger)所表现出来的直接直率。这个名字和他们的音乐都让观众感到激动。


The lines show that despite the anger choking his neck, he has no regrets. He calls the sets in which they sang as dark but not as indicative of dark sets but indicating that there were many gloomy times on the set. However once they were on the set, they hit the lights. Here ‘hit the lights’ could be understood in two ways. Firstly, once Hetfield is on stage and hits the lights, his gloom leaves him, he is no longer just an angry person. Secondly it could be taken to refer to their debut song ‘Hit the lights’ in their album ‘Kill’em All’ which is considered as their most popular as it launched them to fame. In the title song of Kill em All once they hit the lights it is assumed that all other bands fell into the shades. So in a similar note, the attitude of the composer is seen here, as he writes this from a place where he was received anger counselling, and yet he believes that once he hits the stage he is magical. This is typical in Metallica. In metal, the representations are usually genuine and from the heart.

They are personal and in being personal, they expect it to be more raw in sense. The blues that the writers feel are not presented in a diplomatic way as would be presented in other genres. It is said more bluntly. Hetfield states that the medallion noose fell on his neck when he played. This is true, despite all the personal back of the stage controversies and their losses, once they were on stage they had a enthralled audience and this is presented in the attitude of Hetfield as he writes, that he hangs the medallion noose by himself.Metallica is still considered as being a very clear representation of heavy metal. Metallica brings the most truest sense of heavy metal, not only in the isntruments used, the form of lyrics and composition, but also in their direct bluntness of representation as St. Anger shows. The very name piques the audience and so does their music.






The prevailing rate of unemployment in Singapore has been forcing its government for reservation of jobs for citizen, but no ban has been placed over non- citizens to take up any other business, trade or profession. In this context, the key competition also will be highly prominent from the perspective of local citizens. As under the laws of immigration, there will be no entry of immigrants for permanent residence or employment. The fundamental exception to the same is specialists and experts. An addition measure taken up by the government is safeguarding the employment related interests of the population that is the banned entre of certain people for the purpose of permanent residency in Singapore. These people include wives of citizen, and children and wives of non- citizens.In context with the inflation trends of Singapore, the core rate of inflation has tracked changes taking place in prices paid by the consumer for goods, in which there is no inclusion of costs of private road transport and accommodation. There has been an increase in the prices for consumer goods mainly depicting an increase in the prices for utilities, housing and transportation. These prices have been fluctuating over the period and might improve in the years to come.

There is existence of inflation when the supplies of money end up exceeding the available services and goods. Or there is attribution of inflation to the financial consideration of budget deficit. There may be financing of deficit budget by the creation of additional money. But the overall situation of budget deficit or monetary expansion may not result in the rise of price level. Inflation can be referred to as the sustainability of upward trend within the general scope of prices rather than the price of some goods. In simple words, inflation is referred to as the condition for rise in prices, but not higher level of prices. It is not the higher level of prices but the rising level of price that tends to be constituting inflation. Thus, it is known to constitute the overall increase in the level of price. Thus, it can be considered as the devalued worth presented in the capital money. In simple word, inflation results in reducing the power to purchase for money. And hence, inflation can also be considered as a phenomenon of recurrence.