


n terms of selling price, it is necessary for Wu Dalang to research into some of its competitors and understand the consumer price that UK consumers would be willing to pay and come to a sales strategy based on the same. In terms of sweet and savoury brands, some of the key competitors for Wu Dalang in the market are McVitie’s chocolate biscuits, Kit Kat chocolate form of biscuits, Jaffa cakes and other brands in the biscuit market. In the selection of these competitive brands, price is considered as a very strong issue. In fact, research suggests that people might indeed be buying products that are of smaller pack sizes and are of lower prices. In the biscuit market, there is an intensive competition observed where different sweet biscuit competitors offer different variants in total biscuit quantity to facilitate their consumers to buy their brand.

In terms of place and distribution, retail stores are more convenient. At present, it is observed that Wu Dalang sells biscuits as street food. There are carts placed quite strategically and Wu Dalang sells food from carts. Now street consumption is quite common in the United Kingdom, however, Wu Dalang should aim to sell its product in retail for achieving a better customer profile. It cannot get larger consumer strength on the streets alone. Offline shopping in retail centres would work better. Offline to online shopping avenues could be researched into for now, and could be implemented later.
Specialist food shops are common in the United Kingdom. There are Indian food product stores, East Asian stores and Chinese food product stores. Wu Dalang biscuits could aim to sell in these specialized stores so that consumers would be willing to buy directly from here.
For the target audience of 21-45 year olds who prefer sweet products, Wu Dalang would promote the brand by means of online and offline advertising, by means of directing to consumer advertising, by focusing n group discussions and through promotional coupons sold on local newspapers.
For the 45 and above consumer who prefers savoury products, the marketing would mostly be traditional. Promotion of the brand would be done on the television, the newspapers and advertisements within the shops where they buy products regularly and finally by means of promotional discounts, it offers with their usual biscuit purchases.

Wu Dalang would have intense competition in the biscuit market of the United Kingdom but would be able to meet this competition quite effectively if it were to consider making some changes to its product, price, promotion and place mix. A geocentric strategy has been presented for Wu Dalang.

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