

在本篇案例研究代写-传统教学与主动学习中了解到,被动学习或传统的以教学为基础的学习可以被称为一种教育方法,在这种方法中,学习者能够从教育者那里安静地接收新信息,课堂上没有中断。一些学生偶尔有机会提问(Foot & Howe, 1998)。自从Eison和Bonwell(1991)首次讨论主动学习的概念以来,就有人声称为了保证学生的成功学习。关键的重点不仅是倾听,还要让他们积极参与。他们必须专注于通过活动构建知识(Enfield, 2013)。根据Bloom等人(1956年)提出的学习分类,他们的研究与高阶思维技能的主动学习有关。接下来有关案例研究代写-传统教学与主动学习分享给大家阅读。

Passive learning or traditional instruction based learning can be referred to as an educational approach in which the learners are able to receive new information quietly from the educator, and there is no interruption in the class. Some students are given the opportunity to ask questions occasionally (Foot & Howe, 1998). Since the idea of active learning had been first discussed by Eison and Bonwell (1991), it has been claimed that in order to ensure successful learning of students. The key focus must not only be on listening, but also on involving them actively. They must focus on the construction of knowledge by activities (Enfield, 2013). They have a connection of research in active learning for high order thinking skills as per the Taxonomy of Learning by Bloom et al. (1956).
In the specific sense, it had been suggested by Bonwell and Eison (1991) that the students should be engaged in such tasks that involve a higher order of thinking like evaluation, synthesis and analysis. Therefore, the traditional method of “sit and get” approach cannot be advised any more as active learning has started to receive significant attention since a number of years (Code & Zaparyniuk, 2009). Often perceived or presented as a radical trend in terms of traditional instruction, there is frequent polarization of educated faculty members on this topic. Active learning has resulted in the attraction of strong advocates throughout faculty members (Flumerfelt & Green, 2013). These faculty members have identified a number of alternatives to traditional methods of teaching. For a number of faculty members according to a research conducted by Camel (2011), there is an underlying doubt regarding what can be considered as active learning and how it is different from traditional education (Clintondale Community Schools, 2012). This is particularly evident in the education of engineers as there already exists a significant scope of active learning by laboratories and homework assignments. In addition to the confusion, faculty of engineering does not have an understanding of how basic levels of active learning are different from one another (Foot and Howe, 1998). Furthermore, most faculties of engineering do not put in efforts of going through literature for answers and solutions (Camel, 2011).

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