

These factors have certain relationships. For example, technical support, administration rewards and program training enhance a teacher’s confidence in integration ICT into their literacy teaching. Specifically, technical support releases teachers’ concerns that if computer/ipad is suddenly broken in the classroom and no one can fix it, the lesson cannot continue. Thus, technical support lets teacher feel confident to using them in classroom practice (see Lynn’s answer from appendix1). Administration rewards show the positive view towards educators’ achievements. Thus, administration rewards heighten teachers’ confidence. Last but not least, program training is essential part that raises teachers’ confidence in using ICT in classroom teaching. Teacher knows how to more effectively use computers or ipads in literacy learning. At the same time, it helps teachers save time during limited lessons. In addition, program training that significantly influences teachers’ attitude towards ICT and their pedagogy regarding literacy teaching. After an appropriate program training, teachers will have a more positive attitude towards technical integration into classroom practice. They are no longer afraid that technique will destroy natural relationship with students. Moreover, program training teaches teachers how to integrate ICT into classroom (see Sue’s experience, she is lack of confidence due to no program training for her. See appendix 3). It will fundamentally change their pedagogy from traditional one to technical one. However, an appropriate program teaching cannot change anything that teacher still uses traditional teaching methods and focus on print-based text rather than new technical methods with student-centered pedagogy. This can be proven by Corine’s answers and her experience.

The factors of discussion are specifically divided as external factors and internal factors. The external factors are those factors that the individual would not have any control over. They can attempt to be a part of the control of these external factors by giving feedback etc. The internal factors on the other hand are those that the individual would have more control over. The discussion attempts to assess the form of external and internal factors that impinge on the teachers ability to incorporate ICT practices in the workplace.

论文范文essay代写-教师在ICT实践能力的外部和内部因素就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,写作科目广泛,有essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!




Besides these two factors, hostile local environment also may become a barrier for any global firm to share local rights and privileges. This hostility may also be triggered by local regulations that are biased or favorable in local firms so as to promote them and provide them an edge over the international firms over time. Therefore, it is evident from all these aforementioned sources as how a company can face liability of foreignness in international marketing.

Now let us have a look as how the same concept of foreignness can become an asset in an international marketing for any firm. Researchers highlighted three major sources that can make it an asset over time and that are, perceived image and respect, technical and professional expertise, and global connections. Many foreign firms posses knowledge and skills that are either limited or do not exist in local markets. This provides them with the opportunity to tap the local market with their expertise and technical professionalism that will add value to their portfolio. And in this way, foreignness becomes an asset for any company over time resulting from the niche they bring into local market. Besides that, some foreign brands are highly valued in local markets because of the positive perceived image hold by the customer. This provides the opportunity to the foreign firm to tap the local market through their product lines that is highly valued by the target audience. Thus, better and positive perceived image of the foreign brands help them to achieve the asset of foreignness over time. Finally, the third factor of international connections is also valued in domestic factors. Some foreign firms have higher communications and connections globally that provide them an advantage to capitalize them while making entry into a local market. This added advantage helps them to enjoy benefits and advantages that reserved only for international firms by the local government. To conclude, it is evident from the aforementioned analysis as how the similar concept of foreignness in international marketing can become an asset or a liability.

論文范文論文代寫-國際營銷中的外來性資產就為留學生分享到這裏。留學生論文寫作提升,可以找加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此論文代寫平台機構的論文代寫價格公平合理,擅長寫作科目廣泛,有碩士論文代寫、加拿大代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和信譽、豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!



In ten weeks of learning, it can be understood that there are some basic conventional ideas that needs to be followed in mathematics there cannot be innovation in some of the basic principles of mathematics. Mathematics is a very old fashioned subject that cannot be changed. I used to think that mathematics is boring this could be because of the way I was taught in schools about the subject. We did a lot of monotonous exercise but it did not understand the real reason as to why we had to understand the subject.

Of the ten weeks of math class let me to mathematics especially mathematics teaching has a new understanding of the subjective. Primary school education in Australia, uses a large number of ‘teaching tools’ to attract the children to be interested in mathematics, mathematics classroom in Australia is full of fun learning. Children feel relaxed to learn the subject without fear of mathematics learning. This leads to willingness to study, play naturally to solve mathematical problems. On the other hand, this learning process helped me realize that in the process of mathematics teaching in another very important thing is to bring problems to the teaching, and students grow up together, but in a variety of fun in mathematics, we will face a variety of problems. Mathematics is a system that has been associated with every Department of the school. Every part, of the subject like algebra or geometry measurement are complementary to each other and they cannot exist independently. In the last ten weeks of learning, and undertaking lot of reading tasks I become a better mathematics teacher and a student. I think in this process I learnt and unlearnt a lot of important aspects. This had made me a better student of mathematics. I hope to use this knowledge to help the students from the next generation gain from my teaching methods.

论文范文代写论文-澳大利亚的数学课堂就为留学生分享到这里。中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供毕业论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!



If I were to create a personal taxonomy, then the categories that would be included are that of patriotism, compassion, social nature, individualism, power distances, uncertainty and respect.
I have included patriotism as a category, as an individual who belongs to a culture where the individual feels patriotism for their country would not feel trapped in societal groups, the range of collectivism felt within sub groups. Or societal formation within the country would decrease, and instead an overall collectivism identifiable with the country will increase. Compassion is included as a cultural category, because this is an element that is either missing in some countries of the world or is misunderstood in others. Most religion of the world, people who want a harmonious life etc would also be compassionate and would also want others to be compassionate. An individual who has more compassion would be more understanding of the problems of the country, would be less frustrated, might not rebel against the country and might try to find peaceful options for improving the country, such as using democratic means. On the other hand, less compassionate individuals might take up more radical methods bordering on terrorism.
Social nature is presented as a category, as in some cultures people might socialize more and hence might be more trusting and open minded with one another. On the other hand in some other cultures, people might end up being more closed minded. They would be suspicious of one another and this could lead to problems for the country. For Individualism, power distances, uncertainty, the identification is nearly the same as Hofstede has presented, except I view individualism as a category of its own, the opposite of individualism is not viewed as collectivism, instead it is viewed as an individual who has no opinion of their own. In any culture, given collectivistic attitudes, it is necessary for people to have some individualistic tendencies, not having these tendencies equates to having no opinion of their own. It is people without much of an opinion who follow group tendencies who are creating problems in the world. And hence, they could be considered as no person at all is in part of a constructive cultural makeup and hence they are avoided in my categorizations. Respect has been included as a cultural category. Individuals who are respectful will respect one another, they would be mindful of another’s space, tolerant of religion, inclusive of diversity and more. On the other hand, an individual who is disrespectful would not be.

论文范文加拿大论文代写-个人主义就为留学生分享到这里。加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供硕士论文代写、essay代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!