
在中國,貧困被認為是基於農村或城市地區的貧困。中國政府在減少農村貧困方面取得了顯著進展。為了減少城市地區的貧困,勞動和社會保障部出台了政策,可以為城市地區的貧困人口提供培訓、就業和救濟。然而,這些政策並沒有針對在城市生活和工作的農民工。黃平(2004a)等學者認為,農村和城市地區的減貧政策存在差距(Lin, 2006)。儘管到目前為止已經取得了一些積極的成果,預期的成果還將繼續,但仍有各種嚴重的問題需要解決。它們的出現,尤其是由於結構性障礙而不是現行政策的結果。從上面的數據可以看出,農民工之間存在著工資差距。與城市工人相比,農民工的平均工資較低。


Poverty in China is regarded as poverty based on rural or urban area. The Chinese government remarkably made progress in reducing rural poverty. In order to decrease poverty in the urban region, the Labor and social security ministry have policies issued that can provide training, employment as well as relief for the poor in urban regions. Such policies however do not address the rural migrant workers who live and work in the cities. Scholars such as Huang Ping, (2004a) have argued that there exists a policy gap between poverty reduction in rural and urban regions (Lin, 2006). Even though there are certain positive results acknowledged till now and the expected results will continue, however there are various serious issues that remain which require addressing. They are present especially as a consequence of structural barriers not present policies. As evident from the above figure, there existed a rural migrant workers wage gap. The migrant labor’s average salary is lesser in comparison to the urban workers.
The average migrant workers monthly wage was USD 100 in 2002 which was average wage of urban workers by 58 percent. Hourly wage differences are much larger. As a matter of fact, for compensating for the real wage declination, worker who were rural migrants accepted even long hours at work. According to Henan, a survey conducted on the provinces of Hunan and Sichuan depicted that rates at hourly wage for the migrant labors is one by 4 that of the urban workers from local urban regions. Mostly the migrant works are not educated and most of them have never taken part in programs for training for being employed in non-agricultural jobs. The Chinese central government has provided certain focus over this problem like the Sunshine project which allowed workers to work and learn in the year 2004 but the demand of migrants for these programs cannot be met in an easy way when more than 150 million rural workers are more to join in future as estimated.



它包括了大量走向衰落的战略品牌。正因如此,人力资源管理职能面临着重大挑战(Davidson, 2004)。公司的许多品牌都被其他品牌压得喘不过气来。在经济危机前的时期,这家公司发生了危机。人力资源管理职能发现很难管理这类经济危机(Nhean, 2014)。在当今时代,人力资源管理的功能并不存在于不同的地点;因此,人力资源管理职能很难集中在不同的领域。这已被证明是人力资源管理职能出现危机的一个非常重要的原因。由于同样的原因,人力资源管理将无法专注于世界不同地区的市场,人力资源管理职能也将难以从世界各地操纵利润,获取巨额利润。


In many parts of the world, alcoholic beverages have been a popular source of merrymaking and a common medium of connecting at occasions since medieval times. Industries that produce and supply spirits, wine and beers bring in additional benefits, such as generating tax revenues, providing employment and generating business opportunity. Diageo takes pride that a lot of people across various continents choose their brand for merrymaking but they also accept that when misused, alcohol can lead to problems for individuals and society (Keenan et al). Diageo also knows its responsibility towards keeping a check at the quality of product it delivers since it is a consumable product and if not checked it can lead to serious outcomes which can hamper the goodwill of the company.The primary problem faced by the HRM function is the issues related to geographical expansion. One of the most important reasons for the crises in the HRM management in Diageo was because of the focus on the major markets which are situated in Europe and North America.
It includes a large number of strategic brands which are towards declination. Because of this, the HRM function has to face a major challenge (Davidson, 2004). There are a number of brands of the company which are being weighed down by other brands. There has been a crisis during the pre-economic times in the company. The HRM function is finding it quite tough to manage these kinds of economic crises (Nhean, 2014). The HRM Function is not present at different locations in the present times; thereby it gets difficult for the HRM functions to focus on different areas. This has proven to be a very important reason for the crises for the HRM Functions. Because of the same, it will not be able to focus on the markets in different places in the world and it would than prove difficult for the HRM Functions to manoeuvre profits and gain huge profits from different locations in the world.