

招标的主要目的,是确保采购承办商,为制造公司管理资讯科技项目。鉴于合同将涉及硬件和软件两个子系统,承包商必须确保首先起草一份认真的要约书。这封待日后接受的报盘函是促成合同解决的原因。规划是为招标文件起草不同组成部分的第一步,并导致不同承包商提交“要约书”。在阅读招标文件的不同部分后,承包商提出报价。要约是承包商愿意通过合同要约进行交易的承诺声明。作为合同经理,我有责任仔细阅读潜在承包商提交的合同条款。将代表制造公司分析合同报价的条款。初步谈判将在要约期限之前进行。初步谈判不同于实际报价(Comptroller Texas, 2015)。



The primary purpose of the tendering is to ensure that a contractor is procured for managing the IT project for the manufacturing company. Given that the contract will involve both hardware and software subsystems, the contractor will have to ensure that a careful offer letter is drafted first. This offer letter to be accepted later is what leads to the settlement of the contract. Planning is the first step towards drafting the different components for the solicitation document, and leading to the submission of ‘letters of offer’ by different contractors. On reading the different components of the solicitation document, the contractors then place their offers. The offer is the statement of promise that the contractor is willing to enter into a bargain by a contract offer. As contract manager, it will be my duty to peruse the terms of the contract offer that are submitted by potential contractors. On behalf of the manufacturing company, the terms of the contract offer would be analyzed. Preliminary negotiations will exist before the offer period. The preliminary negotiations are different from the actual offers (Comptroller Texas, 2015).

In the case of the actual offer submitted by potential contractors, an intention would be required. The intention of the offer should clearly show that the contractor is willing to enter into a contract with the manufacturing company. The solicitation document would have carried things such as the work expected, software and hardware installations expected, time, budget and more. The offer should clearly state that the contractor is willing to take up the tender and fulfill the terms of the contract within the said time and budget. The offer is sent after the preliminary negotiations. The contract solicitation is merely an invitation or request for an offer. Only when the offer is complete could the contract be said to move forward.The type of solicitation for the offer that I would use for the manufacturing company would be a request for quotation. The evaluation method that would hence be chosen for this solicitation (once the offers are turned in) would be the lowest responsive, compliant, and acceptable offer method.



合同被接受的过程是以意向书为基础的。这是招标的第一步。意向书帮助双方了解公司或个人需要商品和服务。在这种情况下,制造组织将发出意向书,并让潜在的投标人知道在制造工厂需要安装硬件和软件设施。本意向书作为初始要约,必须与相关方沟通(Sullivan, Arthur;Steven m;Sheffrin, 2003)。为了维护建立在合同基础上的必要声誉和法律义务,将重点放在兑现承诺上变得极为重要。它是履行合同和兑现承诺的一个重要方面。报纸广告、数字广告、甚至放在社交媒体上的广告都被认为是可以接受的。这导致了最初交流的产生,而最初的交流是形成对所需要的东西的理解的基础。然后以特定的格式将各种投标和报价连同规格一起发送给制造商,这进一步帮助接收方比较投标。

然后选择最合适和最好的出价,从而作出最后的选择谁将被选中的合同。然后,必须就这一选择与有关各方进行沟通,最终形成一份合同。适当的识别过程,短清单,评估和选择合适的承包商投标一个项目的不同阶段对于竞标制造业公司的软件和硬件要求有关各方包括沟通的第一步,其次是建立一个清晰的理解的实际需求。如果不能准确的理解这些要求,就会导致合同完成中出现一些问题,也可能导致违约。最终的评估和选择是基于项目建设、设计和完成的适宜性、能力、商誉、定价和各个方面。它需要一个全面的评估,能够理解和评估投标人和他们的能力完成一个项目。因此,选择服务提供商的依据是多种因素,而不仅仅是报价(Bix, B。, & Bix, b.h., 2012)。


The process for the contract to be accepted is based on the letter of intent. It is the first step in calling for tenders. The letter of intent helps the parties know that a firm or an individual needs goods and services. In this case, the manufacturing organization would issue the letter of intent and make it known to potential bidders that there is a requirement for hardware and software facilities to be installed in the manufacturing plant. The letter of intent does act as an initial offer and it has to be communicated to relevant parties (Sullivan, Arthur; Steven M.; Sheffrin, 2003). It becomes extremely essential to focus on delivering what has been promised in order to maintain the required reputation and legal obligation created based on a contract. It forms an important aspect of honoring a contract and delivering what has been promised as well. A newspaper ad, a digital ad or an ad placed even on the social media is considered as acceptable. This leads to the creation of the initial communication which forms the basis of forming an understanding of what is required. Then various bids and quotations are sent to the manufacturer along with specifications in a specific format, which further helps the receiver compare the tender bids.

Then the most appropriate and the best bid is chosen, thus making a final choice of who is to be chosen for the contract. Then there has to be communication of this choice to the concerned parties and a final contract is formed. The suitable process for identification, short listing, assessment and selecting of a suitable contractor for different phases of a project in the case of tender bidding for software and hardware requirements of manufacturing firms includes the first step of communicating to relevant parties, followed by establishing a clear understanding of the actual requirements. If the requirements are not accurately understood, then it would result in several issues in contract completion and also cause possible breach of contract. Final assessment and selection is based on the appropriateness, capability, goodwill, pricing and various aspects of building, designing and completing the project. It takes a thorough assessment to be able to understand and evaluate the bidders and also their capability to complete a project. In this way, the basis of choosing a service provider is based on multiple factors and not just the prices quoted (Bix, B., & Bix, B. H, 2012).




知识产权合同之间存在显著差异(Marotta‐Wurgler, 2007)。合同通常可以分为三个领域。它们是合同前的条款、合同的执行和合同签订后的阶段。合同每一条款的具体内容和要求,应针对合同的三个阶段中的每一个阶段作出明确规定。这是一个复杂的过程,需要系统的推理和勤奋。应该重申的是,所制定的合同有多种类型。有些合同条款非常简单和固定。关键绩效指标是在合同条款之前确定的(Dietz, 2012)。这是合同最清晰的形式之一。研究发现,在许多情况下,这对于明确减少诉讼和避免冲突是有用的(Dietz, 2012)。然而,它在许多情况下是不可行的。在这种情况下,单位价格合同是根据需求制定的。合同条款分为个性化的单位(Dietz, 2012)。


A contract manager has a number of essential duties in project management. There are a number of integral processes that need to be addressed. Important tool in the contract management is development of contract. Contract helps smoothen relationship and discusses liability of each party. Important aspects of a Contract manager job from a personal standpoint are explained in the following. As a contract manager of IT Company, a contract needs to be drawn for the hardware and software services. Contracts are formed by homogenized standard practices of companies operating within and outside the European Union. In this report important elements of contract and need for contract are discussed. Ways to decrease liability, implication of tort law and potential pitfalls is discussed. Along with this a plan for smooth running of operations and recommendation for an IT company is investigated in this report. Contracts developed in IT Company can be of many types. It is developed based on the requirements of the company. Contracts can be either indefinite, long term contract or time sensitive and transient. Agreements are usually drawn between vendors, sales personnel, partners, employee;

intellectual contracts are all markedly different from each other (Marotta‐Wurgler, 2007). Contracts can be typically divided into three arenas. They are pre contractual terms, execution of the contract and the post award phase. Specifics and the requirements of each term of the contract should be clearly defined for each of the three phases of the contract. This is a complex process that involves systematic reasoning and diligence. It should be reiterated that contract that is developed is of many types. Some contract terms are pretty straightforward and fixed. Key Performance Indices are defined prior to the contractual terms (Dietz, 2012). It is one of the clearest forms of a contract. It is found to be useful for clearly reducing litigations and avoiding conflict in many situations (Dietz, 2012). Nevertheless, it is not feasible in many situations. For those times, Unit price contracts are drawn in this type based on requirements. The contractual terms are broken into individualized units (Dietz, 2012).