


第二阶段是收集过去的历史和新的信息。病人过去曾吸烟,也是高血压的受害者。他的皮肤非常脆弱,很容易暴露在各种问题中。评估他被录取时的现状。他的体温是36.6摄氏度,脉搏每分钟95次。呼吸频率为20次/分钟。他连接到6L O2, SpO2是92。当他的触摸被分析的时候,他脆弱的皮肤表达了很多的温暖,而且在手指的时间里,帽子的填充时间不到3秒。根据过去和现在的分析,疼痛评分是8分,10分,这是非常高的。这说明患者处于极度疼痛中,一直处于嗜睡状态,右手也有一条动脉线。听诊是确定的。由于他过去有高血压,目前已出现出血。这最终导致他在大多数时候血流动力学稳定。


The first stage is LOOK into the patient’s situation. The patient chosen is 82 years male who is admitted to PACU post thoracotomy with hudson mask. He is also connected to underwater seal drainage chest tube and is currently treated with Bupivacaine 8ml/h as he is running out of agony. The key problem with the patient is that he is suffering from lung cancer right lower lobe and he is survived by his wife and they have a social relationship. The patient has serious hindrances with the lung and wants urgent treatment to solve the lung issue. The patient has underwent general anesthesia and was intubated during surgery and he finds issues with supine position. The diagnosis made so far includes bronchoscopy and X ray. Doctors have exposed him to pressure stocking foot pump in order to prevent DVT.

The second stage is COLLECT where the past history and also new information are also collected. Patient has been a smoker in the past and is also a victim of hypertension. His skin is extremely fragile such that he is easily exposed to issues. The current status when he is admitted is assessed. His temperature is 36.6 degree Celsius and the pulse rate is 95 beats/min. The respiratory rate is 20 breaths/min. He is connected to 6L O2 and SpO2 is 92. When his touch is analyzed, his fragile skin expresses lots of warmth and the cap refill is less than 3 seconds in finger. As per the past and present analyses, the pain score is at 8 for 10 and this is very high. This shows that patient is in extreme pain and is drowsy all the times and there is also an arterial line on right hand. Auscultation is identified. Because of his hypertension in the past, haemorrhage has developed at the moment. This has eventually led to him being hemodynamically stable at most of the times.



围手术期护理包括从生理、社会文化和精神等不同角度对患者进行护理。围手术期护士的唯一责任是照顾病人,确保病人在整个手术过程中的安全。护士对日常护理中出现的未报告的近距离脱靶有一定的了解,并将这些知识应用于干预措施的优先次序以及保护患者的活动。在外科中心病人的安全是至关重要的,因为不充分的干预可能会对病人以及医疗服务造成情绪、身体和经济上的后果。根据Mellanby, Podmore & McNarry(2014)的研究,围手术期护士通过减少手术中保留器械的机会来提高安全性。



The perioperative nursing includes caring for the patient from different perspectives such as account physiological, sociocultural and spiritual issues. The sole responsibility of the perioperative nurse is to care for the patient and ensure patient safety throughout the surgery. The nurses have an understanding on the unreported near misses that arise each day in healthcare and apply the knowledge to prioritize interventions as well as activities seeking at protecting the patients. Patient safety in surgical centers is critical since inadequate interventions have the potential to cause emotional, physical and financial consequences for the patients as well as the healthcare services. According to Mellanby, Podmore & McNarry (2014), the perioperative nurses thus enhance safety through reducing the chances of having retained instruments during surgery.

Herlehy (2011) identifies different factors as critical in enhancing patient safety in perioperative practices. Some of the factors considered include communication within the perioperative environment. Nurses should promote communication to establish safe practices. Other factors outlined as effective in enhancing patient safety include collaboration between health care providers. Quality in clinical practices is also considered active in promoting patient safety as well as an innovation since perioperative environment presents nurses with opportunities to be creative in solving problems. The interest of registered nurses should be contributing towards improving surgical patient safety by addressing contributing factors such as retained surgical items.



这一节选自杜波依斯所著的《黑人的灵魂》一书中的诗歌《我们的精神奋斗》在这个节选中,双重意识的概念已经被描述。双重意识可以被描述为一种心理上的挑战,当一个人以一个种族主义者的眼光看待自己时,他/她所面临的是一种心理上的挑战,这种挑战也使非洲传统与欧洲人主导的社会中可能存在的教养相协调。双重意识的概念可以应用于许多情况下,如社会不平等和生活在世界父权社会中的妇女(Bois, 1903)。因此,它可以用来描述与个体相关的描述,个体的身份可以被划分为几个不同的方面。这是一个理论概念,它提供了心理社会分裂的细节,这可能发生在美国,并有助于理解不同的分裂。作者的重点主要是关于黑人的经历,它考虑到在不同的国家和世界系统中所面临的与不公正有关的挑战。这个概念在美国黑人的历史中被使用过,他希望自己不想成为非裔美国人,因为美国需要教给世界很多东西。





The given extract is from the poem “Of Our Spiritual Strivings”, which has been written in the book “The Souls of Black Folk” authored by Du Bois. In this extract, the concept of double consciousness has been described. Double consciousness may be described as the psychological challenge, which is faced by someone when he/she looks at his own self through the eye of a racist and also reconciles the African heritage with an upbringing which may be there in a European dominated society. The concept of double consciousness may be applied in a large number of situations such as social inequality and for the women who live in patriarchal societies in the world (Bois, 1903). Thus, it can be used to give the description related to the individual whose identity may be divided into several different facets. It is a theoretical concept which gives the details of the psycho-social divisions, which may occur in America and something which helps in understanding of the different divisions. The focus of the author is mainly on the experience of the black which allows for the challenges related to the injustice that is being faced in different national and world systems. This concept has been used in the history of American Negro in which he wishes that he doesn’t wish to be African American as America needs to teach a lot to the world.


Through his words, he wishes that man should both be a Negro and the American without having any curse from his fellows without having any opportunity closed. The concept of double consciousness has been effectively used by the author in order to do the characterization of the issues, which may be related to the race and are provocative and unanticipated. Though this is the only occasion which may be only be noted, it will never be actually perused. The author has written about the history which has lead to the creation of the number of coherent patterns that may be related to the connotations. The background of the extract is applicable efficiently to the educated people and also the upper class readers, which are there in the Atlantic which forms to be one of the most popular journals of letters of the day and should also lead to the contribution of the understanding related to the arguments of Du Bois. The historical context used in the extract is related to a product of European Romanticism on one side and American Transcendentalism on the other. The Africans have always tried to do the reconciliation of the two different cultures which has led to the composition of their identities. As a slave, the Africans were forbidden to speak their own language, were converted to Christianity, were discouraged from doing the dance and were not allowed to use the drums. These kinds of practices also led to the distortion of the African culture. The later generations in Africa were therefore banned from the similar cultural experience and it created a unique situation for them. Thus, Author has tried to identify and explain the double consciousness with respect to African Americans.



Literature review是对某一方面的专题搜集大量资料后经综合分析而写成的一种学术论文,它是科学文献的一种。 Literature review是反映当前某一领域中某分支学科或重要专题的最新进展、学术见解和建议以及该专题的新动态、新趋势、新水平、新原理和新技术等等。



Literature review的特点首先是“综”,“综”是要求对文献资料进行综合分析、归纳整理,使材料更精练明确、更有逻辑层次;其次是“述”, “述”就是要求对综合整理后的文献进行比较专门的、全面的、深入的、系统的论述。最后是“评”,即对各研究成果进行恰当的评价,并代表作者自己的观点和主张。





总之,Literature review重点在“述”,要点在“评”。由于评价的倾向性,通过文献综述,就会引导出对课题今后发展动向或趋向的说明。

