


围手术期护理包括从生理、社会文化和精神等不同角度对患者进行护理。围手术期护士的唯一责任是照顾病人,确保病人在整个手术过程中的安全。护士对日常护理中出现的未报告的近距离脱靶有一定的了解,并将这些知识应用于干预措施的优先次序以及保护患者的活动。在外科中心病人的安全是至关重要的,因为不充分的干预可能会对病人以及医疗服务造成情绪、身体和经济上的后果。根据Mellanby, Podmore & McNarry(2014)的研究,围手术期护士通过减少手术中保留器械的机会来提高安全性。



The perioperative nursing includes caring for the patient from different perspectives such as account physiological, sociocultural and spiritual issues. The sole responsibility of the perioperative nurse is to care for the patient and ensure patient safety throughout the surgery. The nurses have an understanding on the unreported near misses that arise each day in healthcare and apply the knowledge to prioritize interventions as well as activities seeking at protecting the patients. Patient safety in surgical centers is critical since inadequate interventions have the potential to cause emotional, physical and financial consequences for the patients as well as the healthcare services. According to Mellanby, Podmore & McNarry (2014), the perioperative nurses thus enhance safety through reducing the chances of having retained instruments during surgery.

Herlehy (2011) identifies different factors as critical in enhancing patient safety in perioperative practices. Some of the factors considered include communication within the perioperative environment. Nurses should promote communication to establish safe practices. Other factors outlined as effective in enhancing patient safety include collaboration between health care providers. Quality in clinical practices is also considered active in promoting patient safety as well as an innovation since perioperative environment presents nurses with opportunities to be creative in solving problems. The interest of registered nurses should be contributing towards improving surgical patient safety by addressing contributing factors such as retained surgical items.