


追随者是领导力的重要组成部分。它应该成为领导力教育的一个组成部分。哈佛大学政治学家和着作’追随者’一书的作者芭芭拉凯勒曼(Barbara Kellerman)(2008)也提出,追随教育应该作为领导课程的一部分在院校教授。她说:“培养良好的追随者非常重要,与发展优秀领导者一样重要。”追随者不能脱离领导力,因为只有理解追随者的观点和行为,领导力才能被理解。领导力和追随者成为关系伙伴关系。这是双方为实现共同目标而成立的合资企业。不幸的是,关心领导的参与者及其对领导者的理解很少有重要性。虽然,领导层有许多其他方面可以涵盖,但如果不了解关于追随者的事实,就不能成为有效的领导者。


Followership is a specific quality confined in individuals of society, teams, organizations or political parties. It is a characteristic which enables individuals to follow a leader enthusiastically. Followership is a simple concept. It is exactly opposite of leadership or it can be said that it is a flip side of leadership. It is simply an ability to take the directions from a leader and follow these directions actively and positively. Followership asks to put oneself according to the program and deliver the expected output. Followership may not be the leading force behind a program but it plays a role of backseat driver. It is quite important for an organization similarly as leadership. If followership fails at any point in a program leadership cannot sustain despite of having all the resources, man power and leadership skills.

Followership is an essential part of leadership. It should be an integral part of leadership education. Harvard political scientist and author of book ‘Followership’, Barbara Kellerman (2008) also suggested that followership should be taught in the institutions as a part of course of leadership. She says, “Developing good followers is important, as important as developing good leaders.” Followership cannot be alienated from leadership because leadership cannot be properly comprehended until the perspectives and behaviors of followership are understood. Leadership and followership makes a relational partnership. It is a joint venture by both of them towards a certain shared goal. Unfortunately a very little importance is given to followership and its comprehension among the intenders of leadership. Although, leadership has many other aspects to cover but one cannot become an effective leader without having knowledge about fact attached with followership.



在我们的社会中,年龄一直是并将继续成为人们所持状态的一个至关重要的文化因素。同样的意义在文化,政治和互动等各种人口指标中都有提示,并且在未来几十年里只会加剧。在许多地方,越来越多的人担心,特别是针对老年雇员的年龄歧视被认为是英国组织中的一个非常严重的问题。此外,还有很多人认为,必须制定一些立法,对就业速度的任何种类的年龄歧视采取一些严格的措施(Roscigno et al。2007)。对于就业中的年龄不平等和歧视问题,与种族,阶级和性别相比,社会学关注度较低。基于年龄的歧视并不是什么新鲜事;但随着人口年龄的增长,在西方国家尤其如此。

在访谈中发现,调查和实验分析表明,管理者倾向于根据老年劳动力的陈规定型观点作出决定,并在合理确定劳动力流动决策和奖励分配的合法性的情况下支持年轻劳动力Hutchens 1988)。关于同样的情况,过去许多研究人员进行的经典工作表明,即使不具有抵抗力,老年工人对工作场所变化的反应也较小。此外,他们也被认为是缓慢的,僵化的,困难的,无组织的,并且由年轻的同事和经理培训也很昂贵。鉴于有证据表明,与年轻工人相比,较年长的劳动力通常表现出较少的人员流动,较高的工作承诺和较低的缺勤率;这种刻板印象是引人注目的,有时会体现出性别特点。


In our society, age has always been and will continue to be a crucial cultural factor of the status one holds. The significance of the same is suggested by every demographic indicator like culturally, politically and interactionally and in the decades ahead it would only be intensified. In many quarters there has been an increasing concern that discrimination on the basis of age especially against the older employees is regarded as a very serious issue in the organizations of UK. Moreover, there are many who are of the view that there must be some legislation which takes some stringent actions for any kind of age discrimination at the pace of employment (Roscigno et al. 2007). Little sociological attention as compared to race, class and gender has been provided to the topic of age inequality and discrimination in employment. Discrimination on the basis of age is not something new; but as populations age it has become more evident particularly in the western nations.

Discrimination on the Basis of Age
It has been observed in interviews, surveys and experimental analysis demonstrate that mangers are inclined to draw decision on the basis of the stereotypical opinions of the older workforce and favor the younger workforce in cases of legitimating how workforce mobility decisions are made and rewards are distributed (Hutchens 1988). With regards of the same, classic work conducted by many researchers in the past has shown that if not resistant, the perceptions of older workers as less responsive to the changes in workplace. Moreover, they are also regarded as slow, inflexible, difficult, unorganized and also expensive to train by the younger coworkers and managers. Given the evidence that older workforce generally show less turnover, higher job commitment and lower rate of absenteeism as compared to the younger workers; such stereotypes are striking and sometimes take in a gender-specific character.



众所周知,业务所有者,人力资源经理和管理人员都有责任管理多样化的高科技工作场所。经理必须具备调查某些领域的能力才能成功管理多元化的环境(Harvey 2012)。首先,管理者必须考虑组织内多样性管理的战略意义,并理解必须承担领导责任的界限以及管理者的支持。除此之外,管理人员必须考虑招聘员工和绩效与发展管理方面的政策或做法(Harvey 2012)。更进一步,管理者必须考虑制定和谐和包容性工作场所的政策或做法。最后但并非最不重要的是,管理者必须持续关注并跟踪和监控其有效性。

众所周知,有效的管理者非常清楚创造多元化和成功的员工所需的具体技能。首先,管理者必须考虑了解歧视和相关后果。管理者也在承认他们自己的文化偏见和偏见方面发挥作用。多元化的概念并不是关于人群之间产生的差异,而是关于个体之间产生的差异(Ozbilgin 2009)。众所周知,每一个人都是独一无二的,并且看起来并不代表某一特定群体或代表某个特定群体说话。除此之外,管理者必须表现出愿意在必要时改变组织结构,或根据组织目前的结构管理多样性和技术进步。


Owners of business, managers of human resources and managers are known to have the responsibility of managing diverse and extremely technological workplace. A manager must be having the skills of looking into certain areas in order to be successful in the management of diversified environment (Harvey 2012). Firstly, a manager must consider the strategic significance for the management of diversity within the organization along with having an understanding of the limit to which there must be commitment in leadership as well as support of the manager. In addition to this, a manager must consider policies or practices in the recruitment of staff and the management of performance and development (Harvey 2012). Further ahead, managers must consider policies or practice for the creation of a harmonious and inclusive workplace. Last but not the least, managers must continuously focus to track and monitor the effectiveness.

Effective managers are known to be well aware that specific skills are needed for the creation of a diverse and successful workforce. Firstly, managers must consider having an understanding about discrimination and the related consequence. Managers also play a role in recognizing their own biases of culture along with the prejudices. The concept of diversity is not regarding the differences created between groups of people, but instead about the differences created between individuals (Ozbilgin 2009). Each and every single individual is known to be unique and does not seem to be representing or speaking for a specific group. In addition to this, managers must be showing willingness for changing the structure of the organization if needed, or manage diversity and technological advancement in accordance with the current structure of the organization.