


案例研究中提到的利益相关者圆桌会议是为了分析红杉国家公园的融资方式。为了维护红杉国家公园,需要大量的资金。因此,重要的是确保以独特的方式促进筹资进程(Allen et al., 1988)。筹集资金最有效的方法之一就是通过广告。为了在红杉国家公园做广告,有必要制定一个有效的计划。大自然是人类最好的朋友。是大自然创造了地球上的生命。树,鸟,小动物和一切与人类有关的东西是每个人都喜欢珍惜。保护自然是非常重要的。红杉国家公园对于红杉市的人类来说是非常重要的,因为它为人类提供了内在的环境和大量的审美和娱乐利益(Blank, 1989)。这些红杉国家公园也带来了很多积极的环境。保护红杉国家公园是当务之急。但是,为了保护它们并确保它们得到适当的维护,需要资金。作为一个热爱自然的人,我不想一开始就在红杉国家公园展示广告。
我认为广告会破坏红杉国家公园的自然美。然而,这是产生资金的最有效方法。红杉国家公园不仅是一种娱乐方式,而且由于许多原因它也很重要。首先,红杉国家公园提供了社区居民相互交流和结识新朋友的必要空间。这有助于为人民发展社区(Beeton, 2006)。其次,当社区中有适当的公园时,犯罪率就会降低。当红杉国家公园被大量的人使用时,将会有越来越多的人关注街道,这将会为每个人带来一个更安全的环境。第三,公园里的树木可以清除空气中存在的各种污染物。城市的空气污染会导致癌症的风险,并对儿童、老年人和其他有呼吸问题的人产生不利影响。在红杉国家公园众多的城市,人们的心理健康得到了提升。通过直接接触大自然,一个人在心理健康方面有很多好处,它可以减少压力,增加幸福感。


The roundtable meeting of stakeholders as mentioned in the case study was held to do the analysis of the ways through which the Sequoia National Park can be funded. In order to maintain the Sequoia National Park, a lot of funds are required. It is therefore important to ensure that unique ways are used to facilitate the process of funding (Allen et al., 1988). One of the most effective ways to generate funds is through the advertisements. There is a need for an effective planning so as to do advertisements in the Sequoia National Park.Nature is the best friend of human beings. It is the nature that fabricates life on earth. Trees, birds, small animals and everything else related to the human beings is something that everyone likes to cherish. It is very important to protect the nature. Sequoia National Park is very important for the human beings in the city of Sequoia as they provide the intrinsic environment and a large number of aesthetic and recreational benefits for the human beings (Blank, 1989). These Sequoia National Park also brings a lot of positivity within the environment. It is an utmost necessity to protect Sequoia National Park. However, in order to protect the same and ensure that they are maintained properly, funding is required. As a nature lover, I do not want to display the advertisements in the Sequoia National Park initially.
I thought that the advertisements will destroy the natural beauty of the Sequoia National Park. Nevertheless, it is the most effective method for the generation of funds. Sequoia National Park is not only the means of recreation but it is also important because of many reasons. First of all, Sequoia National Park provides the required space where the neighborhood residents can interact with one another and meet new people. This helps in the development of community for the people (Beeton, 2006). Secondly, when there is proper Park in the community, there is a reduction in crime rates. When the Sequoia National Park will be used by the large number of people, there will be more and more eyes on the street, which will lead to a safer environment for each and every person. Thirdly, the trees which are there in the park can remove a large variety of pollutants which are present in the air. The air pollution in the city causes a risk of cancers and has adverse effects on the children, elders and other people who are having the respiratory problems. The people of the city get a mental health boost in a city where there is large number of Sequoia National Park. By getting a direct exposure to the nature, one has a lot of benefits in the mental health and it leads to the reduction in stress and increase in the happiness.