


重大错报和非重大错报是财务报表中存在的两种类型的错报。重大错报是指对财务报表产生不利影响或者误导利益相关者的错报。在审计策划过程中,应确定重要性级别,以便审计能够清楚地了解交易的金额或性质需要关注什么(Maqellari和Dika, 2016)。换句话说,材料是审核员必须进行详细的验证程序并收集更多的证据以确保他或她自己的水平。根据声世界有限公司的补充信息,5%为实质性水平,即交易总额的5%需要详细核实。基于以下理由,确定了5%的重要性水平:经过额外的信息评估,可以看出Soundworld ltd有week内部控制系统。
因此,有更多的机会错报或挪用财务报表。业务水平在运营方面也不高,这意味着小额交易也会对财务报表产生影响。企业经营活动具有多种类型的风险和不确定性,应由企业组织管理和核算。因此,审计的初始阶段是最重要的部分,因为它分析业务操作、业务性质、交易量、行业分析等多个方面。从Soundworld运营的组织评估和行业评估中收集的信息,确定了三大类风险。业务风险和财务报告风险是评估过程中识别的两个主要风险,并已在风险评估标题下记录在案(Shore和Wright, 2015)。


Material misstatement and non-material misstatement are two types of misstatement that are present in financial statements. Material misstatements are those misstatements which impact financial statements in adverse manner or can mislead stakeholders. During audit planning materiality level shall be established so that audit shall have a clear understanding of what amount or nature of transactions requires focus (Maqellari and Dika, 2016). In other words, material is the level beyond which auditor is required to conduct detail verification procedure and collect more evidences to ensure him or herself. On the basis of additional information of Soundworld ltd, 5 % will be the materiality level which means transaction 5 % of total expenditure shall be verified in detail. On the basis of following grounds, 5% materiality level has been set:After evaluation additional information, it can be noted that Soundworld ltd has week internal control system.
Therefore, there is more chance of misstatement or misappropriation of financial statements.Business level in terms of operations is also not at higher side which means transactions having small amount can also make impact on financial statements.Business operations have many types risk and uncertainties that shall be managed and accounted by the business organization. Therefore, the initial stage of audit is most important part as it analyzes business operations, nature of business, volume of transactions, industry analysis and many more aspects. Information collected from organization assessment and industry assessment where Soundworld is operating and three major categories of risk were identified. Business risk and financial reporting risk are two major risks that were identified during assessment and have been documented under risk assessment heading (Shore and Wright, 2015).