


The good measurement model can be derived from understandings of organization’s business model and strategy. The company needs to understand the consumer markets. They need to clearly define the customer and define the competitor. The company needs to understand how they can deliver and communicate value to this customer. They need to factor in how money can be made in this process. The marketing activities must retain those customers who try their products. They must encourage the consumer to try more of the products and find ways to optimize the service offerings (York, 2010). An accurate marketing measurement must inform the organization of the interim and the long-term impacts. They must create a measurement to answer the questions and find areas where the organization has no measures. The financial metrics needs to be compared with the planning of the trajectory. In the process of acquisition the company must not overlook the existing consumer base. They need to balance across the audience. There must be communication with the internal departments to derive important purposes of the measurement. The metrics is found to signal the organizations strategy and priorities. Each department needs to act in a way of achieving a cohesive balance between the elements. The metrics is also found to inform the key stakeholders of the business. There must be clarity in the definition of the audiences and understanding of the ways in which the audiences can be conveyed about the different information. There must be clear picture that must be derived in order to meet the needs of the company as well as the consumer. It is imperative for the company to factor in the tangible returns, capital flow and the intrinsic value that it has managed to garner in this paradigm.
In this system, the recommendation that was made in the prior section was to address the needs of the rural communities or the small-town communities. The ways in which the small-town people can be addressed in this paradigm needs to be factored.
The second recommendation that has been done for the community is to create dynamics where the small business is not impacted. The ways in which the consumers and the small businesses can be impacted is comprehended from this analysis. The businesses need to find ways in which these small businesses can form effective liaisons and develop newer partnership. The company needs to include its service offering by combining with the local businesses. By this process the company will lose the image of a corporate company that destroys the local café. The company will also learn about the nuances of marketing from this process. The company and the local businesses will be benefitted in this process (Chang, 2017).

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