


员工的积极性更高,公司的士气也更高。研究发现,高水平的员工激励导致员工流失率降低,对公司没有实质性的损失(Woodward et al, 2007)。一家发展了共同愿景并朝着这个愿景前进的公司发现,它正在开发更高的生产率。有一个更亲切的工作环境。有高水平的沟通和健全的冲突解决政策,导致更好的管理员工。因此,在新的时代,企业应该促进包容态度的生存和维持(Mander, 2003)。企业应该学会在一个国家融入不同的方面,而不仅仅是接受这个国家更传统或刻板的方面。



There is more employee motivation and there is high level of morale to the companies. It has been found that high levels of employee motivation led to reduced employee turnover and there is no substantial loss to the company (Woodward et al, 2007). A company that develop a shared vision and move towards the vision has found to be developing more productivity. There is a more amiable working environment. There is high level of communication and robust conflict resolution policies that leads to better management of the employees. Hence, in the newer times the businesses should promote inclusive attitude for survival and sustenance (Mander, 2003). Businesses should learn to incorporate different aspects in a country and not just take into the more traditional or stereotyped aspects of the country.

Especially as seen in the case of the countries from Africa, since the county was less open and had a protectionist stance, most countries used them only for the purpose of raw materials extraction and a point for selling their manufactured goods. However, it is critically necessary to look at them beyond these aspects as well. Peaceful imaginations to incorporate global businesses to include all countries need to be strategically thought off. However, a touch of humanism is also necessary. Business globalization has led to numerous impacts. Of these impacts some are positive and some impacts are negative.