


英国就业大臣普里蒂•帕特尔表示,全球失业问题是一个重大问题,需要解决以应对国际金融危机。在这个方向上,英国和其他20个国家正在签署条约,在全球范围内做出努力。经济合作与发展组织(OECD)认为英国的啃老族问题(不涉及教育、就业或培训)是一个迫在眉睫的问题(Hazenberg, Lashley & Denny, 2016)。英国的啃老族比例低于经合组织(OECD)的平均水平,尽管由于英国政府的新规定,啃老族的比例略有下降。英国政府规定,年轻人在年满18岁之前必须继续接受教育。

就业领域的专家认为,英国的非大学毕业生正在努力应对教育体制向职场文化的转变。这主要是由于学校没有提供足够的就业机会,以及提供学徒或工作经验的就业机会较少。与经合组织的平均水平相比,英国的技能水平较低,分布极不均匀。它在劳动力市场的最底层有大量的低技能工人,而在顶层有非常高的技能工人(O’connor, 2015)。商业世界可以帮助减少失业问题的一些可能的解决方案包括建立学徒计划。


As per Ms Priti Patel, employment minister of UK, this global unemployment problem is of major concern and needs to be solved to handle the international financial crisis. In this direction, UK along with 20 other nations are signing treaty to make efforts on the global level. The group of wealthy nations of the world the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) considers the issue of UK with its NEETS (Not in Education, Employment or Training) is a matter of immediate concern (Hazenberg, Lashley & Denny, 2016). The UK ranks lower than the OECD average even though the Neet numbers have slightly reduced due to new regulations of UK government which makes it necessary for the youth to remain in education till they attain 18 years of age.

The experts in the field of employment believe that the non-graduates in UK are struggling to cope with the changeover from education system to the workplace culture. This is mainly due to the effect of poor provisioning of career in schools and less number of employment options providing apprenticeships or work experience. The skills in UK skills are at low level and highly uneven in distribution as compared to the average OECD. It has huge group of low-skilled workers at the very bottom of the labour market and very high skilled at the top (O’connor, 2015).Some of the possible solutions where business world can contribute to reduce the problem of unemployement include creation of apprenticeship schemes.