


1995年,亚马逊在其网站上开设了一家在线书店。现在,从电子产品到服装、美容产品和体育材料,一切都可以在他们的网站上找到。Amazon使用不同的网络通信站点,例如Facebook和Twitter来获得更多的客户,并以折扣价通知产品。一家这样的在线商店通过Facebook对收益进行了重大评估。通过这样的商店,顾客可以获得更多的信息,可以做出购买的决定。从长远来看,人们可以通过这样的供应商购买或提供任何东西。根据Forrester的报告,2011年,美国电子商务实现利润2000亿美元,相当于零售总额的9%。同样的,在英国,电子商务占总销售额的10%,而电子交易占全球总销售额的15%到20% (Rigby, 2011)。亚马逊电子商店比实体商店有很多优势。它们不浪费时间,更方便和容易在任何时间和任何地方访问。

亚马逊为顾客提供关于产品和服务的免费信息,所以不需要等待和去商店购买商品。他们还可以通过信用卡或借记卡购物,并与其他电子商店比较产品和服务。消费者在电子贸易中的行为起着重要的作用(Uygun, et al., 2011)。Chang et al,(2005)认为,消费者行为取决于年龄、性别、经济地位、对互联网和计算机友好的知识、动机、态度和新的偏好。这些行为与信任、风险、产品特征和服务质量有关。根据2011年的调查,英国拥有经合组织成员国最多的在线客户。来自较低社会阶层的消费者在电子商务上的购买前景比来自较高社会阶层的消费者要低。文化标准是在一个人的生命的早期设定的,需求是由文化因素驱动的(Kotler & Armstrong, 2012)。我们的决策行为、信任和思维过程都受到文化的影响。同样,国家的文化也影响了消费者的网购行为。


In 1995, Amazon started its website with an online book store. Now everything from electronic gadgets to clothes, beauty products, and sports material is available on their website. Amazon uses different network communication sites, for example, Facebook, and Twitter to get more clients and notify about the products with discounted rates. One such online store has made a major measurement of benefits through Facebook. Through such stores, customers can access more information and can make decision to purchase. In the long run, people can purchase or offer anything through such suppliers. According to Forrester’s reports, in 2011, United States attained $200 billion profits in e-commerce which equivalents to 9% of the total retail sale. Similarly, in UK, e-commerce acquires 10% of the entire sales whereas electronic trading reaches 15% to 20% of total sales worldwide (Rigby, 2011).The Amazon e-store has many advantages than physical store. They are not time-consuming, more convenient and easily accessible at any time and anywhere.

Amazon offers free information about the products and services to the customer, so waiting and going to a shop to buy the items are not required. They can also make purchases through credit or debit cards and compare the products and services with other e-stores. The consumer’s behavior in e-trade plays an important part (Uygun, et al., 2011). According to Chang et al, (2005), consumer behaviors are dependent on age, sex, economic status, knowledge about the internet and computer friendly, motivation, attitude and new preferences. These behaviors are associated with trust, risk, product characteristics and service quality. According to the Research conducted in 2011, UK has the highest online customers from OECD nations.Consumers who are from lower social classes have lower prospect to buy from e-commerce than higher social classes. The cultural standards are set in the very early period in a person’s life and the needs are motivated by cultural factors (Kotler & Armstrong, 2012). Our decision-making behavior, trust, and thought processes are all influenced by culture. Similarly, the culture of the country influenced online shopping behavior of the consumer.