



他向观众解释了特兰西瓦尼亚的背景,并详细讨论了这个地方的诱惑和显而易见的危险(斯托克1897,第11页)。德古拉的功绩和他固有的困惑已经被清楚地阐明了。这与最初的困惑产生了共鸣,为观众增加了故事情节的悬念。然而,在阅读小说的过程中,读者可以从一个全面的角度来理解这个故事。这对这部小说来说是一个额外的优势。在故事中有一种令人不安和不安的情绪需要在不疏远观众的情况下保持(Stoker, 1897)。作者在整个故事情节中始终保持着悬念。叙事风格的故事叙述也增加了这种发展的强大的故事线。这个故事中有一种幻觉和现实主义的结合,引起了观众的兴趣。观众们屏住呼吸等着看故事如何展开。这个故事有一种现实主义的感觉和理性的推理,应该保持下去,以吸引观众。斯托克从多个角度对此进行了尝试。


In “Dracula”, story unfolds through a series of letters, diary entries and newspaper clippings. Events that occur are stated in a chronological order between England and Transylvania (Stoker, 1897). Dracula assumes Mina to be the reincarnate of his lover. Originally he becomes a Dracula in hopes of living with his lover who had committed suicide and is living a life of the damned. On seeing Mina, Dracula assumes Mina to be the human form of his lover (Stoker, 1897). The Dracula kills Jonathan Harker because he is engaged to Mina. Dracula wants to live with his supposed girlfriend throughout eternity. Lucy is a close friend of Mina who is seduced by Dracula in hopes of reaching to Mina. He does succeed in transforming Lucy into a bloodthirsty vampire. Van Helsing and team find out the underlying causes of Lucy’s condition and eventually kills her. Futile efforts are undertaken by Dracula to convert Mina for eternal damnation. In the end the Dracula is killed and Mina is released from the curse of the Vampire (Stoker, 1897). Initially it might seem that it is not a continuous storyline. Initially journal entry of Harker the lawyer is discussed.

He explains to the audience the background of Transylvania and also discusses in detail about the allure and the obvious danger of the place (Stoker 1897, pp. 11) . The exploits of Dracula and his inherent confusion have been clearly elucidated. This resonates with the initial confusion and adds to the suspense of the story line for the audience. Nevertheless during the course of reading the novel the readers can understand the story from a comprehensive perspective. This is an added advantage for this novel. There is an unsettling and discomforting sentiment that needs to be maintained in the story line without alienating the audience (Stoker, 1897). There is a suspense that the author was able to maintain throughout the story line. Narrative style of story telling also adds to this development of a strong story line. There is a combination of illusion and realism in the story that intrigues the audience. Audiences actually waits with baited breath as to how the story would unfold. The story has a sense of realism and rational reasoning that should be maintained to captivate the audience. Stoker has attempted this aspect from presenting multiple perspectives.