


必须确定更高级别的任务。在这方面,正如Krashen(1982)提出的,有必要让成年学习者参与到这些活动的构建中来。因此,对成人学习者来说,真实和有用的材料识别是主要的手段。在给定的分析单元中,许多材料和活动确实针对的是略高于一般初学者的学习者。因此,以任务为基础的学习形式有助于确保学生建立有意义的联系,并将其转移到现实世界。一般应用单元中确定的方法的另一个问题是,这些活动几乎没有提供引入新的学习元素的空间(Li et al., 2012)。它认为,教师将能够评估和评估的基础上,只有任务或活动,正在处理的学生,学生不会提出新的单词或其他输入,可以作为一个补充,教师评估。然而,选择Williams(2010)的分析单元被认为可以克服这个缺点。例如,考虑第30页中提出的基于任务的方法。


The student activity here is to read the text, and answer questions on the text that focus on student understanding of organization of text, purpose, function, and characteristics of leadership. Student with such a learning activity will learn how to critically analyze and understand text in an organized way. It encourages disciplined learning and viewing the text from different perspectives. Students functionally breakdown the text so as to both infer the meaning of text critically and understand language representation meaningfully. Understanding language representation would be a strong point towards learning persuasion techniques later for the student. Real life skills hence are imparted to the student by task based learning in the unit work of Williams (2010). The cons of this methodology is that it would be quite challenging to find the right form of materials for use for adult learners. Adult learners are not be able to use these materials as it is too basic for them. Adult learners will already have beginner level language skills and must be critical learners. Finding tasks or activities that might be helpful for the adult learner and enables them to learn could be the main challenge here.
Higher level tasks have to be identified. In this context as Krashen (1982) presents it is necessary to involve the adult learner in the building of such activities. Authentic and useful material identification for the adult learner is hence the main con. In the given unit for analysis, much of the material and activities do target a learner that is slightly more than the average beginner. Thus the form of task based learning would be helpful in ensuring that students make meaningful connections which is transferrable onto the real world.Another problem with the methodology identified in the unit in general application is that the activities offer little scope for introduction of newer elements of learning (Li et al., 2012). It argues that teachers will be able to assess and evaluate based on only the task or activity that is being handled by the student and the student would not present newer words or other input that could be an add on for the instructor to assess. However, the unit of Williams (2010) chosen for analysis is seen to overcome this con. For instance, consider the task based methodology presented in page 30.