


这个学习过程是一个自然的有机过程,类似于学习功能,如走路。根据研究,这些人天生就想学习这种语言。甚至在社会上的脑损伤儿童中也观察到了这种现象。他们发现天生就能理解语言和语法代码(VanPatten & Williams, 2014)。L1学习过程是一个生物驱动的过程。奥拉天生就喜欢阿拉伯语。她会对语言结构有很好的理解。她必须利用这些原则来加强对第二语言的掌握。以阿拉伯语为母语的人应该把它与英语进行比较。英语词汇的音系、写作和系统的启发式结构等方面的分析。学习第二语言应该付出相当大的努力。这是一个复杂的动态过程,需要持续的评估。第二语言的原则将在下面讨论。


Ola must become a bilingual learner to survive in the current environment. Bilingual learner is a person who can communicate with other in two languages. It is imperative to learn the local languages. The bilingual people develop the ability to be in a compound state of mind with to kind of grammar. The people need to reposition their learning of the second language in terms with the primary language that they had learnt in their childhood for communication. Forman (2010) states that the people who wish to learn the second language need to essentially deconstruct their native language. From this they should develop a form of comparative analysis with the second language that they wish to learn. The L1 language acquisition is a process that is enabled by genetic triggering built in each individuald. This L1 learning process is the syntactic system that becomes encapsulated as a form of rules governing the language learning process. The L1 language learning process becomes an integral element of the cognitive development of the mind. Children are innately drawn to the L1 learning acquisition.
This learning process is a natural organic process that is similar to learning functions such as walking. According to research, the individuals innately try to learn the language. This has been observed even in the brain-damaged children in the society. They found to innately comprehend the language and the grammatical code (VanPatten & Williams, 2014). L1 learning process is a biologically driven process. Ola is naturally attuned toward the Arabic language. She will have a great comprehension of the language construct. She must use these tenets to develop a stronger grasp of the L2 languages. The native speaker of Arabic should compare it with the English language. There should be analysis of the phonology, writing and the systematic heuristics structuring of words in the English languages. There should be considerable efforts taken to learn a L2 language. This is a complex dynamic process that requires continual evaluation. The tenets of the L2 language are discussed in the following.