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The American Dream represents the personal success and growth of an individual and this is clearly presented by the character of Gatsby. He faces the troubles of the society when they expect something from the upper class of the society and he involves into constant obsession to prove himself in the society. Therefore, the American Dream is considered by scholars as the organized crime which enables him to be involved into various criminal strategies for achieving his American dream. For Gatsby, Daisy represents the American Dream and should be won by heart in order to achieve his financial success. In the end, when Gatsby dies, this shows that the illegal pursuits for achieving the American dream are not fruitful for the individuals. On the other hand, Tom had everything that people desired that is, money, power and wealth but he still yearns for more and is not content with what he has. He considers this as his American Dream. In the view of scholars, the American Dream of Tom Buchanan was to maintain his wealth and remain rich (Fitzgerald, 1991, p.125) He yearns to be rich by virtue of his possessions and he has the urge to earn more. Therefore, it would be true to say that, Tom ruined the essence of American Dream by his consistent greed to earn more and never be satisfied with what he has. Hence, Tom’s greed and power violate the essence of the American Dream.
In the Great Gatsby, the moneyed class is also discussed for presentation of the 1920s American society. In the bid of achieving this purpose, Fitzgerald strikes a balance between different classes of socio economic strata. The first and most prominent group which is attacked by Fitzgerald is the rich class. In the common perception, the rich class has similar characteristics as they are unified by their financial status. However, in the novel, The Great Gatsby, there are two different types of wealthy people that are discussed. In the first instance, the people such as Buchanans and Jordan Baker are discussed in the story that represents the people, born into already rich families. These families have money which has been accumulated over the generations and are regarded as “old money” families. As portrayed in the story, the people belonging to the “old money” class do not have to work but spend their time in amusing themselves. For the people with “old money”, the fact that Gatsby has acquired recent wealth is the reason for them to dislike him. This thinking is instigated by the fact that as he is born in the low class then he would lack the traits such as refinement, sensibility and taste as they possessed. Therefore, the social elitists considered such people as “new money” people who cannot be the same as they are. However, in actual, these people who were elite had little value and appreciated superficiality. They overlooked the essence of the people and they led their lives with the prime objective of carrying on their sense of superiority. This shows that the wealth and money are superficial and would fade away with time. Hence, the duplicity of the American society is depicted through these examples incorporated by the author in the plot of the novel (Fitzgerald, 1991, p.35). Thus, from the above discussion, it is highlighted that the novel The Great Gatsby is the bleak perspective of the American society of the 1920s.

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