


Social issues have a great impact on the patterns of design and influence the styles and principles of design in some ways. It is in the form of effects of social values and cultural perspectives on the concepts and codes of design. Designers are bound to draw inspiration from what they see around themselves and interpret those designs in their creative way. In fact, through their work, many designers often devise solutions to many of the challenges in the society and the environment (Ware, 2012).
An interesting example is the one world Futbol project which promotes a new design of balls that do not require inflation and rarely undergo any puncture. It is guaranteed to be child-labour free in its process of manufacture and is sold in a very innovative way. The selling is through a buy-one and give-another-to-developing-nations model, which is one of its kind. Another notable example is the use of “Theatre for Development” techniques through conducting a series of workshops for developing a research program to facilitate the increase in democratic participation by marginalized sections of the society (Chantry and Rochester, 2015). Another one is the Watercone project that puts forward a way of providing poor people the capacity to purify water through simple procedures.
A series of workshops for exploring the economic impacts of language policies and planning is another example. These were held in response to the perceivable but doubtful correlation competence in specific languages and development. This is to raise awareness regarding creating awareness about economic and developmental advantages of multilingual practices. Thus, these ways of representation of social issues through the works of designers provide empathic approaches to their solutions.
These social innovations help in speeding up social progress through the application of design ideas that can create beautiful representations.

In this assessment, the social issues of art and design have a direct involvement in the artistic inputs which are related to the participation of the intense community. It assesses the different steps of social issues in art and design where the cultural, economic and social have a wider participation than direct or equal involvement. Despite the conclusion of various methodologies and research subjects, there are some different participants that could be learned from a causal role of arts that are small for making the analysis of statistical inferences in art and design.

Time and experiences both are proportional to each other. Experiences are rooted within the time, which shapes human’s mind and life. Human’s behaviour is predominantly dependent on the relationship with others. Self-interests and moral concerns are dependent on the rational decision of the human being.

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