


The framework of the research is executed in the form of explaining the aims and the objectives of the research. Since the structure of the research is depicted to be consisting of the China’s, Taiwan’s and the Hong Kong’s environmental context, the structure focuses the description of the current policies with the institutional and the legal framework. These are being explained for the betterment of the study. The environmental laws that are related to the protection of the air and water are considered for this research. The overall target which is being created shows the framework of the research and the enhancement of the study can be easily depicted by focusing on the appropriate development of the research structure. The description of the main elements and the objectives of the research can be appropriately reflected by showing the government strategies for ensuring the main elements of the government strategies and the compliance is being made by targeting the assurance of the efforts of the research (Harrison, 2007). Apart from this, the influential behaviour is being represented by illustrating on the influence on the regulated community and the influence on the behaviour is being appropriately represented by focusing on the appropriate structure of the research. Therefore, the overall explanation of the research can be described in an appropriate way. The environmental rules, laws and regulations are the combination of the state, national and international law pertaining to the issues of the concern to the protection of the natural and environmental resources.

The environmental rules, regulations and laws are related to the issues such as the pollution of water, air and soil. The government administers the environmental laws, regulations and rules and many states have their environmental enforcement agencies. The regulatory bodies administer and monitor the laws which are designed to protect the natural environment and human health. It is very much important to protect the environment because it can affect the health of the individuals adversely. The environmental law can be broken into categories control of the pollution and conservation of the natural resources. It has become very much important for the government to focus on funding with the environmental rules and policies. If the humans continue to deplete the environment, then the plant will no longer be habitable. Rising of the sea levels, droughts and adverse weather conditions have adverse impact on the health of the human.

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