


Scientific management involves application of scientific approaches in management processes like production, controlling, finance, decision making, recruitment and selection and others. Since F.W Taylor has experienced both the bottom and upper level in an organisation, he could well understand the problems faced by the workers and the managers in an organisation. Taylor focussed on the proper selection process, training of the workers, and the wages of the workers, which needs to be based on their performance. Further, Taylor emphasized on motivation of the employees through provision of incentives and bonus. Taylor believed that workers need to be given good work environment, equal facilities, proper raw materials and proper machines to improve their productivity and increase surplus productivity (Aitken, 2014). The authority, managers, superintendents and the foremen need to cooperate with the workers to ensure the work is done properly. Actual-time observation is necessary for the management to achieve higher productivity from the work force. Taylor stressed that only high productivity can lead to increased profit for the owners and increased wages for the employees respectively. For high productivity, management and workers needed to enhance their mentality towards cooperative effort rather than individual effort (Holmes, 2016).
Relevance of scientific management in 20th century
In the early twentieth century, when Taylor became the pioneer of scientific management, it is said that managers were the lords. The managers created their own rules and decided haphazardly about the tasks to be carried out in an organisation. Taylor’s scientific management created a revolution in the contemporary society. Eminent personalities like Vladimir Lenin and Henry Ford highly praised Taylor and followed his principles. Henry Ford was said to have applied Taylor’s principles in his River Rouge car plant. It also influenced people like Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, later on influenced industrialists like Michael Porter and Michael Hammer who further emphasized on the division of work equally principle in their literary works. Taylor’s theories influenced social philosophers who criticised his theories to be demeaning human spirit. Aldous Huxley and Charlie Chaplin criticised Taylor’s theories in their work (Olson, 2015).

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