


For being provided with an emerging understanding of the biological theory of the reviewed aphid parasitoids, it became important for sustaining the view about parasitoids as organisms of special model. Parasitoids, being the same as insects exploiting as hosts, a diversified range of threats are faced during the establishment of the offspring. This might be considered as the rare individual in survivals from the eff to the stage of adulthood. Majority of the factors of mortality impacting host insects that are unparasitized will impact the parasitized hosts. On the other hand, in majority of the cases, parasitoids will manipulate behaviour of host for shielding themselves from the risks of mortality. However, in some of the cases, parasitized hosts end up suffering from the dramatic increase of risks of prey that fell to other enemies of the nature. It had been emphasized that the histories of parasitoid life are shaped through strongly expected heavy rate of mortality taking place between oviposition and emerging from the progeny of adult.
A number of aphidiine parasitoids are known to have higher rates of realization and higher fecundities of oviposition across the field. And hence, these populations do not seem to be exploding. It has been suggested that this is a partial reflection about IGP. Therefore, IGP can be considered as significant not only for the agricultural ecologists and biological control workers, but also for evolutionary ecologists and behavioral ecologists put in effort of understanding the evolution across parasitoid histories of life.
The control of biological factor can be considered as the central stone underlying the paradigm of Integrated Pest Management, and natural enemies have started to become an extremely desirable aspect. Parasitoids can be considered as the widely utilized group underlying natural invertebrate enemies as agents of biological control and various species are utilized for controlling several aphid pests. Since recent years, huge emphasis is laid upon the manipulation and conservation of populations of parasitoids naturally occurring in ecosystems of agriculture across traditional approach for the purpose of biological control.

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