

在本篇代写-监控的心理动机研究中讨论了监控的心理动机,并在本研究中构建了问题7。现在根据Clary & Snyder(1999)的研究,一个人会有某种形式的心理需求,而这种需求会通过他们的志愿活动经历得到满足。所以只要他们有这样的需求,他们就会想去做志愿者,或者继续做志愿者。在第7题中,学生们回答说,在EAP和其他组织中的志愿者经历对他们来说是改变人生的、令人谦卑的经历。一些人说这很有趣,对他们来说很好。他们中的一些人相信它支持了他们的理想,比如想要改变不幸孩子的生活等等。这些都是个体潜在的心理动机。接下来有关代写-监控的心理动机研究提供给大家阅读。

The psychological motivation for monitoring as was discussed by Clary & Snyder, (1999) was used to construct question number 7 in this work. Now according to Clary & Snyder (1999) a person would have some form of a psychological need and that would be satisfied by their volunteering experience. So as long as they have such a need they would want to volunteer or would continue to volunteer. For question 7, students responded that the volunteer experience (in EAP and also other organizations) was a life changing and humbling experience for them. Some stated it was fun and it was great for them to be involved. Some of them believed it upheld their ideals like wanting to make a difference in the life of unfortunate children and more. Each of these is underlying psychological motivations of the individual. For instance, the student who wants a life humbling experience gets his need satisfied by volunteering, and the student who wants to be more involved in the life of unfortunate children is able to do so by volunteering, etc. Also according to the model of overlapping categories, volunteers might not just fit into one motivational category. Cnaan and Goldberg-Glen(1991) and Widjaja state that the overlapping categories can be identified ranging anywhere from religion to personal motivation. Similarly, the answers of the volunteers indicate that there are indeed overlapping categories. Some students had mentioned that they enjoyed doing the work because they felt it was charity and they also mention enjoying the work as fun. These are overlapping categories.
For the questions on how often the social media are being used it was identified that around 43 percent of the participants might be using social media on a daily basis. There are students who use it on an hourly basis. More than 57 percent of students are seen to use it on an hourly basis varying from an hour a day to around 8 hours a day at a maximum. Students hence are observed to be using social media at an extensive level. As research studies of Conroy &Williams, (2014) and Smith et al, (2014) indicates use of social media tool for recruitment would be more effective rather than the traditional methods.

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