


政治和法律框架大纲业务必须遵守的规则。自Reckitt和Benckiser业务分布在60个国家,照顾不同的政策,法律,法律框架的六十个国家。由于公司进入医疗领域,它由欧盟严格管制,美国政府和个人公司的政府。公司必须严格遵守生产标准,成分,产品安全、劳工标准、市场营销和广告声称都是详细的和发展中规定。公司从事自己的在线广告视频,以传达事实存在于所有品牌友好空间(亨德森&  约翰逊,2011)。



The political and the legal framework outline the rules which the business had to abide by. Since Reckitt and Benckiser operations are spread in sixty countries, it has to take care of the different policies, laws, legal framework in each of the sixty countries. Since the company is into the healthcare segment, it is heavily regulated by European Union, United States government and individual company governments. The company has to strictly abide by the manufacturing standards, ingredients, product safety, labor standards, marketing and advertising claims are all subject to the detailed and developing regulations. The company engages itself in online advertising videos so as to convey the fact that it is present in all brand friendly spaces (Henderson & Johnson, 2011).

The company is committed to doing its business in such a way that the company is responsible, environmentally sound and is sustainable in nature. The company understands the importance of working in such a way so that it realizes the opportunities and manages the risk which might arise from the environmental impact of the business so that they can help in environmental performance and advancement towards ecological sustainability.