


根据由柯兹纳的建议,它可以是明显的,他曾发现一些贡献的各种因素。此外,有人建议,通过新的想法和创新,导致更多的财富,导致大多数发现的识别发生了。从这个角度来说,这种创新的报告已经发展为被icetana以帮助增加价值主张的软件技术部门提供一个创新的工具(阿贝提2009)。本报告的范围将在于分析波特的五种力量模型,价值链分析,利益相关者的分析,知识产权保护,和合作潜力的选择创新工具的建议。该技术是神奇的反射镜技术,这将有助于让用户开发的每一个正常的表面变成一个智能的表面。该技术目前已经在更衣室里对虚拟环境(博兹曼 2000)。10年后,这项技术将帮助用户将其所有的表面转换为智能对象,可以增强虚拟现实。玻璃或合作开发的技术创新icetana镜装置将有助于使不同的各部门如公共运输设施等。


In accordance to suggestions made by Kirzner, it can be evident that he has collaborated discovery of something to various factors of contribution. Furthermore, it was suggested that identification of most discoveries takes place through new ideas and innovations that lead towards generation of more wealth. From this perspective, this innovation report has been developed in order to offer an innovative tool to be developed by iCetana in order to help in adding value proposition to the software technology sector (Abetti 2009). The scope of this report will lie in analyzing Porter’s five forces model, analysis of value chain, analysis of stakeholder, intellectual property protection, and collaboration potential along with recommendations for the selected innovative tool. The technology is magic mirror technology which will help in allowing the user to develop every normal surface into a smart surface. The technology is present already in the dressing rooms over virtual environment (Bozeman 2000). After 10 years from now, this technology will help the users to convert all of their surfaces into smart objects that can augment virtual reality. The glass or mirror device of technological innovation developed in collaboration with iCetana will help in making a different to various sectors such as transport facilities for public etc.