


An organization is an entity that needs constant knowledge of external markets in order to equip internal employees for future action. The performance of the organization ultimately depends on the collective and individual performance of the employees, which in turn depends on the cognitive mode of the employees within the organization and whether they have the ability to exert the best level. When employees are in a good position and have a wealth of knowledge and skills, they can make a productive effort and be able to produce the expected results. Therefore, employees’ self-motivation is ultimately the root and root cause of organizational success. Self-motivation comes from having the necessary knowledge, without which employees’ behavior will become chaotic and waste time and energy.

Feggetter (2007) researched 10 high potential development scheme employees about their experience with coaching and in meeting their desired results. All 10 participants rated their experience positively and recommended coaching as one of the important contributor in avoiding distractions, meeting the targets, maintaining concentration, and being receptive and open about possibilities. This shows the use of coaching irrespective of the type of environment and the type of organisation, public or private, the job profile also being moderate or very high potential. Govindji & Linley (2007) gives an interesting perspective of using one’s strengths, knowing one’s strengths and applying one’s strengths in escalating their organisational performance. This is true because only after knowing one’s strengths, one would be able to use them and produce positive results for the organisation accordingly. The contribution of coaching for strengths identification, strengths usage, and strengths building is provided as a fundamental exercise in organisations which have a culture of coaching.

Goal attainment scaling (GAS) based coaching is suggested by Spence (2007)who identifies that coaching is all about goal attainment but the measurement of outcomes is different in multiple industries indicating further research into goal attainment based coaching and using it as a tool to infuse goal attainment attitude into employees at workplace. Coaching does give more power to employees in the form of knowledge and skills, identification of one’s strengths and weaknesses, but the outcome measurement is what it must be considered to be effective and fruitful.
Gyllensten & Palmer (2007) produces a research about coaching relationship and terming it as the primary focus of the coach as the relationship ultimately based on trust, transparency, and loyalty will bring out the results expected. They stress more on the depth of the relationship and make it directly proportional to the quality and quantity of the outcome when the teachings of the coach are applied in the organisation. This shows the impacts of coaching in improving organisational performance apart from the intangible benefits acquired from the relationship.

The cost of coaching is a rare but an important issue because the emotional and opportunity costs due to the coaching failure are far more than the financial cost of coaching. The relationship between the coach and the individual who has received the coaching is the basis of how far the coaching will survive and what kind of result it will create on the long run. The coaching style also needs to be validated as it is more about emotions, values, and trust which has the potential to produce phenomenal results. The HRD intervention of coaching is the basis of an organisation focused on producing leaders and results. This intervention is proven to be beneficial, but it requires consistent assessment as the coaching styles and aspects needs timely alteration due to the changing factors that are uncontrollable by the organisation. Coaching is highly recommended with personal attention in the relationship and it has been proven to produce results that are far better than other profitable intervention. Though it is beneficial, coaching will always be a rare tool due to lack of trust factor in the current organisational setup.

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