

加拿大论文代写为留学生解释旷工的理论模型和新古典的劳动力供给模型,同时对Allen(1981)的这一模型的主要预测进行充分的讨论。今后,将对实证文献中支持旷工经济模型的限度进行讨论,并在此基础上提出结论。工人旷工涉及工作时间的大量损失,因此,对组织生产力和家庭收入都有重大影响。尽管如此,与其他学科相比,经济学领域在解决这一特定现象方面被认为是落后的(Blundell和Walker 2003)。然而,情况正在发生变化,最近出现了一些轻微的活动。尽管如此,经济学文献对旷工的影响和原因的注意却少得多。然而,相对于静态的新古典劳动力供给理论,该学科已从严谨而基本的理论结构中获益。旷工对各组织或对一个国家经济的影响是重大的,其中要考虑到有关的费用。应该更好地理解旷工的决定因素,因为它们对决策者和组织很有价值。加拿大论文代写-旷工的理论模型分析如下 。

There is an assumption that there is readiness among individuals for sacrificing low level of consumption for an addition period of leisure hour when there is a dedicated period of time to the increase of leisure. This property provides the significance for the marginal level of substitution between leisure and consumption ends up falling with the time of leisure.
Further ahead, income of an individual can be derived out of the activity as earner of wage and from the activity beyond the market of labour. If the actual wage per hour is designated by “w”, the income earned from these wages will be designated by “wh” (Allen 1981a). Income from investment, income being transferred, even the gains derived out of illegal or undeclared activities, are certain examples of what can be acquired by an individual beyond the market of labour.

The discipline of worker absenteeism has been significantly gaining the advantages from a basic yet rigorous structure related to theory identified over static neo- classical theory of labour supply. The impact of absenteeism on business or also a specific economic background is major, in which a number of associated costs are considered (Bosworth et al. 1996). The factors determining the absenteeism should be understood in an improved and better manner as these have major value for policymakers and organizations.
Several evidences have been supporting the claim that there are higher rates of absence across several industrial backgrounds in which the hours at work on weekly basis is significantly high. All of this tends to be laying emphasis on flexibility which plays a crucial role for the determination of decisions related to absence (Blundell and Walker 2003). However, this specific area does not seem to be involving major problem, in accordance with the fact that as a concept, difficulty is faced in defining and measuring flexibility.

As per the discussion conducted in this essay, it is important to mention that the extent to which any individual gains the ability for engaging across the activity of absenteeism has a major dependence on the characteristic regarding contract of employment and taking up measures by the employer for the enhanced scope of enforcement (Killingsworth 1983). This specific complication may end up involving a difficult problem for serving, managing and understanding caution with respect to the generalization.

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