



在这些定义中有三个共同的要素:它指的是群体一致性的同一性和意识形态的共享性。组级别标识文化的范围。行为的一致性体现了文化的特征。最后,共享行为展示了群体层面的逻辑和思维过程。与此同时,文化并不是一成不变的,它会随着外部事件而变化(Latane, 1996;科恩,2012)。文化的动态性表明,可以进行干预和积极的变革。Jenco(2013)在研究中以五四运动为例,说明如何看待中国文化的变化。新文化运动强调民主和科学,而不是传统的以儒家思想为基础的中国文化。近代以来,西方意识形态大量涌入中国文化。现代中国文化是传统意识形态和西方影响的混合体。


Culture is found to have influenced in many aspects of our life and it has been defined by different anthropologists in different ways. In the words of anthropologists, the culture may be termed as an umbrella which can lead to create a covering on the social activities and it may even have an influence on the behavior of the person, the communication, the relationships and other different social aspects. It is important to have different studies related to the culture which can lead to the investigation on the influence of the core cultural values and beliefs about the Chinese culture. Most of the everyday activities of an individual’s are a reflection of their innate culture. This is reflected in the organizational performance and even in the academic performance of the students. It is important to understand the roots of culture to develop strong interventions for safety. Definitions of culture vary, however, the basic foundation of each definition is the same.

There are three common elements in those definitions: it refers to the identity of the group consistency and sharing of ideologies. The group level identifies the range of the culture. Consistency of the behavior presents the characteristics of the culture. In the end, the shared behavior shows the group level logic and thinking process.At the same time, culture does not remain stationary, it is found to change according to external events (Latané, 1996; Coen, 2012). The dynamic nature of culture shows that there can be interventions and positive changes. Jenco (2013) in the research provides an example of how changes can be viewed in Chinese culture by stating the example of the May Fourth movement. The new culture movement emphasizes democracy and science as opposed to the conventional Chinese culture which is based on Confucianism. In the modern times, there has been influx of the western ideologies in the Chinese culture. The modern Chinese culture is a mix of conventional ideologies and also the western influences.