


目标国家的长期增长前景。如果长期增长前景不佳,营销人员可以选择重新考虑细分市场,因为很难收回关键费用。这个变量有助于确定更多的证据,选择适当的目标市场,必须采取有效的组织,同时使用营销理念的哲学(Cova和Dalli, 2009)。对目标市场的仔细分析有助于使企业处于有利地位,以满足客户的需求并实现关键目标。做生意的成本,包括税率和工资,商业基础设施的可用性和成本,熟练工人以及资本市场的可及性。这些成本对于每一个企业来说都是非常重要的,因为市场营销是企业的主要功能,它会为企业组织创造一个客户。理解营销费用的意义、会计的定义以及税收的处理(Hair and Lukas, 2014)变得极其重要。

从典型意义上讲,营销的一些常见费用包括广告费用、公共关系费用、促销费用、营销研究费用和营销工资。竞争环境包括来自外国和本地公司的总体竞争强度水平。在战略管理和市场营销中,竞争分析是评估潜在和现有竞争对手的优缺点。这种特别的分析有助于为确定关键威胁和机会提供防御和进攻的环境。对竞争的重要来源分析对于支持有效和高效地制定、调整、监控和实施战略具有重要意义(Hair, 2015)。它是企业战略制定的重要组成部分。关键的论点是,大多数公司还没有进行这类分析系统的充分性。一个良好的战略框架是强制性和必要的,而不是感知各种猜测、直觉和非正式印象。


Prospects of long term growth in the target nation.If the prospects of long-term growth appear to be poor, the marketer has the choice of reconsidering a segment as there lies difficulty in recouping the key expenses. This variable helps in determining more evidences for the selection of appropriate target market that have to be adopted effectively by the organization, while using the philosophy of marketing concept (Cova and Dalli, 2009). A careful analysis of the target market helps in placing the business in a strong position for serving the needs of customers and achieving the key objectives. Cost to do business that include rates for taxes and wages, the availability and cost of infrastructure commercially and the accessibility of skilful workers along with the capital markets.Such costs can be considered extremely significant for each and every business as marketing is the primary function of business, that results in the creation of a customer for the business organization. It becomes extremely crucial for understanding the significance delivered in the expenses for marketing, the definition of accounting, and treatment of tax (Hair and Lukas, 2014).

In the typical sense, some of the common expenses of marketing include costs of advertising, public relations, promotion, marketing research and marketing salaries. Competitive environment that includes the overall intensity of the level of competition from foreign and local companies. In strategic management and marketing, analysis of competition is to assess the weaknesses and strengths of the potential and current competitors. This particular analysis helps in providing both defensive and offensive context for the identification of key threats and opportunities. A significantly sourced analysis of competition is significant in supporting the effective and efficient formulation, adjustment, monitoring and implementation of strategy (Hair, 2015). It is a significant element for the establishment of corporate strategy. The key argument is that majority of the company have not been conducting this category of analysis systematic sufficiency. Rather than perceiving conjectures, intuition and informal impressions, a well strategic framework is mandatory and necessary.