


对氯化钙的性能有很大的实用价值。在较早的小节中讨论的CaCl2可以从大气中吸引水。这种CaCl2对水的影响赋予它作为一种抑尘剂的能力。在碎石路面的堆焊中,它是一种高效的抑尘剂。它具有稳定的效果,使其在使用混合砾石路的基础上,以及混合的粉化沥青(al – amoudi et al,1995;Chajes等,1995)。它是氯化钙的吸湿性,使其在这种情况下的集中使用非常理想。吸湿性对灰尘的抑制作用有影响,它指出,有35 – 37%的溶液可用于此目的的喷雾形式。当喷洒在未浮出水面的道路上时,溶液的深度可达7至10厘米。因此,道路的上层可以自由使用,因为在内部喷洒的CaCl2具有深度渗透,与大气中存在的湿度相匹配。因此,道路的上层也可以是无灰尘的,当环境大气中的湿度下降时,就会注意到,氯化钙会起到延缓干燥的作用。这是因为氯化钙在任何温度下都有比水低的蒸汽压。在这样的情况下,即使周围的大气中水汽的水汽较少,由于盐的正运动,水分的损失也被阻止了。这种CaCl2的应用在其他建筑和维修工程中也很有用,在那里有类似的潮湿和灰尘的自由要求。特别是当粗糙的或细小的砾石颗粒必须一起使用时。氯化镁也有类似的性质(Leiva,et al,2005)。道路退化是一个严重的问题,不仅会造成道路和经济损失,而且还会导致事故和更多(西方化学公司,2015)。


There is much practical value to the properties of Calcium chloride. CaCl2 as discussed in an earlier subsection is seen to attract water even from the atmosphere. This effect of CaCl2 on water gives it the ability as a dust suppressant. It is used as a high acting dust suppressant in the surfacing of gravel roads. It has a stabilizing effect which makes it efficient in the use of mixing gravel road bases and for also the mixtures of pulverized asphalt (Al-Amoudi et al, 1995; Chajes et al, 1995). It is the hygroscopic nature of Calcium chloride that makes its use in concentrated form ideal for such situations. The hygroscopic nature influences dust suppressions, it is noted that a 35 is to 37% of the solution could be used in a spray form for this purpose. When sprayed onto an un-surfaced road, the solution will be able to penetrate into the surface by a depth of seven to even ten centimeters. The upper layer of the road hence is able to be dust free because the CaCl2 that is sprayed inside has an in depth penetration and matches the humidity that is present in the atmosphere. The upper layer of the road is hence able to be dust free, also when the humidity in the ambient atmosphere falls it is noted that calcium chloride will act as a retardant to drying. This is because Calcium chloride has a vapor pressure that is lower than water at any given temperature. In such cases therefore even if the ambient atmosphere has less water vapor the moisture loss is prevented because of the positive movement of the salt. This application of CaCl2 is also useful in the case of other construction and maintenance operations where a similar damp and dust free requirement is present. This is especially the case when coarse or fine gravel particles have to be used together. Magnesium chloride also exhibits similar properties (Leiva, et al, 2005).  Road degradation is a serious issue that not only cause damage of roads and economic loss, but could also result in accidents and more (Occidental Chemical Corporation, 2015).