

加拿大会计学论文代写-毛利人的宗教机构。今天的宗教机构见证了早期存在的毛利人社区在宗教机构的程度上发挥了非常重要的作用。毛利人社区所信奉的宗教观点的残余部分今天已经不存在了,但具有讽刺意味的是,“mana”和“tapu”中所包含的信仰确实存在。毛利人之间的这些联系已经被当今的概念和信仰所纠缠。人们认为,即使在今天,宗教领袖们播下的宗教种子也碰巧在今天被发现,并用于治疗多种疾病(Akinola & Liverpool, 2013)。

Religious instincts of the Maori communities and the form of leadership in them
The religious bodies today witness a very important role played by the earlier existing Maori communities in the degree of religious bodies. The vestigial parts of the religious views followed by Maori communities do not exist today but ironically the beliefs that had in ‘mana’ and ‘tapu’ does exist. These connections of the Maori connection have been entangled in the present day concepts and beliefs. It is believed that even today, the threads of religion sowed by the religious leaders happen to be found today and used to cure sickness of many kinds (Akinola & Liverpool, 2013). The religious bodies and leaders function in a much unorganised manner and when worked according to a particular structure, it divides almost 6 Maori people to one group and the rest to another. They give a lot of preaching about the Maori communities and the ideas that happen to help them in the future. A handful of churches in the current day have the Maori origin and for this reason they owe the history to the Maori leaders, too. Very recently, a church that is a body of sheer prominence named as Ratana Church took steps to fight with the problems and issues of the world in an economic as well as a political manner, too (Ward et al.,2013).

It is important to take the reviews of literature and analysis in the process of assisting Maoris to grow the leaders in business procedures and cultural programmes. Determining the effect of the strategies used on the social, cultural and economical bases is important to measure the leadership qualities.
To develop the leadership qualities, Maori community outlines the nature of the program and the strategies used for the same. Moreover, they also check on the ways that the process of increasing leadership quality works on the Whanau Development. On the completion of the process, the students may become Maoris that means to be able to access the situations in the world (Akinola & Liverpool, 2013). It strengthens the process to enable the Maori to get access to the language, culture and resources. If twelve years of training to have the ability to interact among a community does not make a student prepared, his entire education becomes incomplete. After realising the situations, the Maori students will be able to have their own identities, language and culture that happen to value them and are included in the process of teaching and learning (McNae & Vali, 2015).

This would also support them to get engaged in the process and gain success. The students will be able to find their ability and then get the support to set their goals and ambitions and then take steps to achieve them. They will have experience of teaching and would get rewarded from the process of engaged learning. Moreover, the students will gain the skills that would be helpful in achieving success in Te O’ Maori in New Zealand and other parts of the world.

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