

電視被認為是作為編劇為了達到成功的目的而進入行業的最合適、最容易進入的媒介(Litwak, 2012)。然而,這個行業有很多問題。這些問題與劇院和電臺的問題有很大的不同。電視行業為編劇提供了快速增長的知名度,豐厚的報酬,與編劇和上級保持相互尊重的關系,確立自己在行業中的領導者地位(Litwak, 2010)。英國電視業面臨的最大問題是劇本質量下降。接下來有關代寫論文價格-英國電視業的讨论分析如下:

Many experts believe that the monopoly of the BBC is a cause for this situation because the other sections of the television media have to deal with the limited amount of talent and the limited numbers of skilled writers (Williams, 2014). The BBC exercises its supreme power to neutralize the competition in the market. The quality of the screenwriting is very high in the US television industry because the market is filled with condensed competitiveness. However, the absence of a competitive market has lead to the low quality of screenwriting elements in the UK television industry (Martin, 2013).

Another issue for the television industry is that the producers and the companies are focused on creating shows targeted for a specific group of people (Holt and Perren, 2009). There is no urge of creating such shows that have a wide appeal. As a result of this concentrated focus, the quality of the screenwriting has declined immensely.
The next issue for the UK television industry is that the screenwriters are being recruited to write scripts for the soaps as much as possible. The soaps are telecasted as the primetime shows in the UK. These shows consist of various outdated platitudes (Jukes, 2009). As a result screenwriting and its quality are not receiving the value it deserves.

The media industry is not at all a smooth road of a journey to success. Various issues are posing problems in the different sectors. The problems are varied in nature as the focus shifts from one section to the other. One of the most common and threatening issues is the gender inequality for opportunities. The industry is highly dominated by the males. Thus, it has a negative impact on the ever-developing society.
This discrimination is quite evident from the inequality in wages in not only the media industry but also the overall industrial sector of Britain.

The film industry of the UK is also facing some major issues. Currently, the primary idea and the goal of the screenwriters are to merely produce a script. According to the experts, a screenwriter must remain respectful, responsive, and true to the culture of the country (Field, 2013). This is the primary demand for the screenwriters of films. However, in the UK, the screenwriters are focused on producing scripts that could be financially profitable and not necessarily culturally effective (Nelmes, 2013).
The moral shift can be noted in the difference of the characterization. Presently, the characters are portrayed and displayed in such a way that they seem to only be the materials of entertainment. There is hardly any culturally strong character with a social or ethical motif in most of the films (Jessup, 2014). This has caused huge damage to the film industry of the UK.

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