

加拿大代写-VRIN模型为耐克创造的竞争优势。VRIN模式为耐克创造了发展和利用其竞争优势的机会。这种竞争优势的管理形式成为市场竞争力量管理的源泉。“耐克在其业务中嵌入了可持续性,这表明耐克继续致力于制定积极的可持续性目标,并投资于破坏性创新”(Businesswire.com, 2016),这已成为竞争优势的主要焦点领域。这也保证了公司能够以积极的方式开发目标市场。

The VRIN model creates the opportunities for Nike to develop and use its competitive advantage. Such form of management of the competitive advantage becomes sources for the management of the competitive forces in the market. “Nike has embedded sustainability across its business and signals Nike’s continued commitment to set aggressive sustainability targets and invest in disruptive innovation” (Businesswire.com, 2016) which has become the main focus area for competitive advantage. It also ensures that the company would be able to develop the target markets in a positive manner (Luck, 2008).
Nike has made sustainability as it key feature of innovation and competitive advantage (Businesswire.com, 2016). This model can be applied in the case of Nike by suggesting the points of valuable, rare, inimitable and nonsubstitutable. In the case of Nike, the management of the operations are likely to be developed in line with the working management of the operations (Weiers, 1984). The company has potential in terms of the innovative products which it offers in the market through sustainability. In terms of rare products, the company enjoys potential to reach out to the consumers through new products which are not seen in the product offerings of the competitors. The company manages to keep its innovation of such high calibre that it becomes a rare (Luck, 2008). Further, such products are not prone to be imitated in the market (Varey, 2002). Such kind of strategy would be essential for the company to develop the right marketing plan for the purpose of reaching to the intended target markets in an effective manner as millennial consumers have a greater demand for sustainable solutions. (Wilson & Thomson, 2006). Nike has certain inherent advantages and challenges in terms of the internal environment. The internal environment analysis comes in sharp attention focus on the account of the fact these internal environmental factors impact the management of the operations of the company. Also, it creates a lot of pressure on the working management of the operations of Nike. (Dawson, 1979) So, it becomes crucial for the proper engagement of the internal dynamics and factors affecting the work of the company, and internal analysis become significant aspects for the management of the marketing plans (Dawson, 1979).
The company enjoys opportunities in the form of the product innovation. This is an area where the company has been traditionally investing lot of resources. It has been seen that the development of the norms of the company has been marked and characterized with the presence of significant investment in expanding research and development of its products. It allows the company to continuously improve the management of the demand of its products (Kotler, 2000). The company’s products are considered to be innovative and exclusive which have made Nike a fashion symbol. This allows the company to target another segment in the market, in terms of fashion enthusiasts (Kotler, 2000).
However, the threats to the business are quite high in terms of the reduction in the disposable income of the company’s target markets. UK is facing economic troubles which create a reduction in the consumer demand for the company. Such kind of reduced income and spending by the consumer is likely to impact the operations of the company in negative fashion.

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