


这可以通过一个例子来理解:当今世界的都市型男都是异性恋,很时髦,他们更在意自己的形象。为了展现自己形象的女性化一面,他们正在寻找拉尔夫•劳伦(Ralph Lauren)等定制品牌,以追求时尚感和美感。他们不受传统男性观的束缚,也不羞于展示自己的异性恋形象(Fischer and Arnold, 1990)。男性正在尝试不同的颜色,这在早些时候是与女性有关的。随着文化的开放,男性不再隐藏自己的女性身份,消费这些反映了他们女性一面的商品。同样的,那些坚强的女性想要展示她们的工具的一面,她们使用男性品牌来展示她们的男性形象。女性使用不同的商品,这显示了男子气概,如万宝路香烟(斯特恩,1988)。
因此,可以说品牌或标签与性别认同无关,而是通过成为文化产品而成为文化的一部分。这有助于消费者形成自己的性别形象,并与自己建立联系(Fry, 1971)。品牌和标签已经成为文化产品,这引起了人们的极大关注。单一的品牌可以与多元化的个性相联系。一个标签或品牌可以被男性和女性消费。品牌也与消费者密切相关,是消费者的重要合作伙伴。对于一个成功的品牌管理来说,与消费者建立良好的关系是非常重要的。品牌与性别之间的关系需要深入理解。多元性别认同理论解释了当前的消费文化,因为它也可以帮助预测性别和身份相关的品牌。根据Palan的研究,“消费者的品牌感知由多种因素组成,包括记忆联想、态度形成和关系感知”(Palan, 2001)。


This could be understood with an example: the metro-sexual men of today’s world who are heterosexual and hip, and they are more concerned with their image. For showing the feminine side of their image, they are going for tailored brands such as Ralph Lauren, to follow the sense of style with beauty. They are not bound with traditional masculinity view, neither they are shy to show their heterosexual image (Fischer and Arnold, 1990). Men are trying different colours, which were earlier associated with females. With the openness in culture, men do not hide their feminine identity anymore and consuming such goods, which reflect their feminine side.Same way, females who are tough and want to display their instrumental side are using masculine brands to show their masculine image. The females are using different goods, which show masculinity such as Marlboro cigarettes (Stern, 1988).
Thus it is correct to say that brand or label is not bound with gender identity, but they have become the part of culture by becoming cultural product. This helps the consumers to form their own gendered image and to create connection with own self (Fry, 1971). The brands and labels have become the cultural products, this has gained great attention. A single brand can be associated with diversified personalities. One label or brand can be consumed by both man and woman. Brands are also closely involved in the consumers and works as the important partners. For the successful brand management it is very important for building strong relationship with consumers. The relation between brand and gender needs to be closely understood. The multi-fractional gender identity theory explains the current consumer culture, as it can also help in predicting gender and identity related brands. According to the study of Palan, “consumers’ brand perceptions are comprised of multiple factors, including memory associations, attitude formations, and relationship perceptions” (Palan, 2001).
