


在影片的结尾,关于这个连环杀手的信息并不完整,因为观众只知道他小时候被虐待过;他认为自己是变性人;当他被拒绝变性手术时,他决定用真正女人的头发和皮肤为自己做一套女性套装。关于他的历史没有提供具体细节。在分析了“水牛比尔”莱克特的案卷后,他说:“你看,比利讨厌他自己的身份,他认为这让他变成了变性人,但他的病态比这更野蛮、更可怕一千倍。”因此,他的性格对美国流行文化有很大的影响。连环杀人在媒体上也很受欢迎(Jarvis, 326)。流行文化中充斥着电子游戏、犯罪故事、小说、传记和连环杀人的电影。“主要的论点是,大众文化中暴力和残忍的共同修饰在结构上与共同修饰本身的暴力相结合”(Jarvis, 328)。Claris的性格很好,因为它也可以与传统的女性气质相联系。克拉丽斯·斯特林这个人物对大众文化中的女性英雄产生了巨大的影响。
虽然同性恋权利活动家们对布法罗·比尔的性格表现并不满意,但是斯特林这个角色仍然被认为是女权活动家们的英雄。在流行文化中,女性英雄有其独特的地位。克拉丽斯·斯特林(Clarice Sterling)也是继1979年《异形》(Alien)中的艾伦·雷普利(Ellen Ripley)之后最伟大的女权主义英雄。她的角色在AFI的50位最伟大的英雄中排名第六。福斯特把她的口音改成了南方口音,当她回忆过去的时候,她会小声说话。“在与狡猾的霍普金斯的较量中,她不仅坚持了自己的立场,而且出现在了许多激烈的透过玻璃的射击反应镜头中”(杰森)。在这种情况下,一个人会感到困惑,因为他在审问谁。电影中的特写镜头需要保持表情,因此角色的表情表达了很多东西。克拉丽斯的夹克也是美国流行文化的一个例子。这部电影产生了巨大的文化影响,这种影响一直持续到今天。这部电影已经进入了流行文化,因为它极大地影响了之后上映的惊悚片和连环杀手电影。


By the end of the film the information about this serial killer is not really complete, as the audience would only know that he was abused when he was a child; he thinks himself to be a transsexual; and when he is rejected for transsexual surgery so he decides to make a female suit for himself with hair and skin of real women. No concrete details have been given about his history. After analyzing the case files of the ‘Buffalo Bill’ Lecter states that “Billy hates his own identity, you see, and he thinks that makes him a transsexual, but his pathology is a thousand times more savage and more terrifying.” Thus his character has a great influence on the American Popular Culture.The serial killing has also been very popular in media (Jarvis, 326). The popular culture has been flooded with the video games, crime stories, fiction, biographies and movies with serial killing. “The main argument is that the co modification of violence and cruelty in popular culture is structurally incorporated with the violence of co modification itself” (Jarvis, 328). The character of Claris is nice as it can also be linked with traditional femininity. The character of Clarice Sterling had been greatly influence on the female heroes in the popular culture.
Though, the gay right activists were not comfortable with the character presentation of Buffalo Bill, still the character of Sterling is considered as the hero for the women right activists. In the pop culture the female hero has their own special place. Clarice Sterling is also the biggest feminist hero after Ellen Ripley in Alien (1979). Her character stands at the sixth place in AFI’s 50 Greatest Heroes. Foster has changed her accent to southern accent and she has used a whispered voice when she recalls her past. “She more than holds her own against the crafty Hopkins, appearing in a number of intense shot-reaction-shots through the glass” (Jason). This is the situation, where a person becomes confuse that ho is interrogating whom. The close-up shots in the movie required holding the expression and thus the expressions of the characters spoke many things. Clarice’s jacket is also an example of pop culture in America. The movie had created major cultural impact that lasts till today. The movie had been in pop culture as it has greatly impacted the thrillers and serial killer movies that followed after its release.
