


认知发展是一个人的生物成熟和环境经验所导致的心理过程的逐步重组。这个理论是由生物学家皮亚杰(Piaget)提出的,他将智力描述为人类适应不断变化的环境的能力(McLendon, 2011,第12页)。皮亚杰认为,随着孩子的成长,他们从自己的经历中对周围的环境产生了理解,意识到他们已经知道的和他们发现的之间的差异,然后相应地调整自己的想法。每个人都有一个叫做图式的心理组织,图式代表着他对世界的理解,决定着个人的行为。根据皮亚杰的假设,婴儿天生具有一种被称为“反射”的操作模式,这种模式让婴儿理解并适应其环境。每个个体都被一种驱动力所驱动,这种驱动力是为了在环境和模式之间取得平衡。随着婴儿的成长达到这种平衡,这些反射逐渐被完全构建的图式所取代(McLendon, 2011, p. 25)。

随着一个人的成长,他会更多地适应环境,学习新的事实,发展新的想法。这种模式的连续构建是通过两个重复的过程实现的。同化是改变环境,使之与个人已有的图式和适应相平衡的过程,它涉及到为了更好地适应环境而改变认知结构(Huitt & Hummel, 2013, p. 3)。孩子们有各种各样的感觉,因为他们刚刚学会识别和管理自己的感觉。因此,他们会经历一系列的情绪,也会在疲惫或沮丧时发脾气。因为孩子最接近他的家人,所以当他们在附近的时候,他感到快乐。相反,孩子在和陌生人在一起时感觉不舒服。不同的学者提出了不同的情感发展理论。根据詹姆斯-兰格的情感理论,情感不是由对事件的感知引起的,而是由事件的反应引起的。


Cognitive development is the progressive reorganization of mental processes resulting from biological maturation and environmental experience of a person. The theory was introduced by Piaget, a biologist who described intelligence as a human being’s ability to adapt to its changing surroundings (McLendon, 2011, p. 12). According to Piaget, as children grow, they develop an understanding of their environment from their experiences, realize the differences between what they know already and what they discover and then adjust their ideas accordingly. Every individual has a mental organization called schema which represents his understanding of the world and decides the individual’s actions. According to Piaget’s hypothesis, infants are born with an operational schema called reflexes which let the infant understand and adapt to its environment. Every individual is driven by a drive to obtain a balance between its surrounding and its schema. As the infant grows to reach this equilibrium, these reflexes are slowly replaced by fully constructed schema (McLendon, 2011, p. 25).

As an individual grows, he adapts more to the surroundings to learn new facts and develop new ideas. This continuous construction of schema is achieved by two recurring processes. Assimilation is the process of changing the environment in order to balance it with an individual’s pre-existing schema and accommodation which involves the transformation cognitive structures in order to adapt to the environment better (Huitt & Hummel, 2013, p. 3).Kids have a mix of feelings since they are just learning to recognise and manage their feelings. Hence, they experience a range of emotions and also possess tantrums in case they are tired or frustrated. Since the child is close to his family the most so he feels happy when they are nearby. On the contrary, the child doesn’t feels well when accompanying a stranger. There have been many emotional development theories given by different scholars. As per James-Lange emotional theory, the emotion is not caused by the perception of the event rather caused by the response of the event.