


事务性销售,也被称为传统销售,更侧重于短期销售,其中营销人员的主要关注点是产品的推广和提高销售。通过大众营销促进销售,事务性销售是一种以产品为导向的方法,将产品的特性作为销售工具(Zoltners, Sinha & Lorimar, 2004)。Gronroos(1994)的结论是,营销人员需要超越使用营销组合来增加公司产品的销售。信任的概念是关系营销的核心,它是通过参与高质量的互动而产生的。在以信任为基础的销售中,主要的重点是与客户建立长期的关系,因此在决策过程中需要消费者的大量参与。相反,以交易为中心的销售侧重于产品的销售,很少强调在决策过程中获得客户的投入。基于信任的销售甚至可以导致客户愿意支付更多(Business Blueprint, 2012)。市场营销领域的突破与Galper(2015)的工作有关,他提出了不同的方法来处理销售过程。

传统的直销使销售人员感到不舒服。与可能对卖家没有积极态度的客户交谈的想法可能成为焦虑的来源,因为对拒绝的恐惧接管了卖家(Verbeke & Bagozzi, 2000)。当卖家不具备管理与客户互动的技巧时,会导致负面评价。此外,试图排除非正式的沟通和创造性使得传统的直接销售是一种有缺陷的方法(Galper, n.d.a)。Galper(2015)提供了一些有用的见解,让直销超越了结束销售的行为,变得更有意义。Galper (n.d.b)分享了他的个人经验,以确定信任如何是成功的销售关系的基础。正如Galper (n.d.b)指出的那样,这不是为了在目标市场或买家之间建立信任,双方都需要在互动过程中体验舒适感。作为一个卖家,作者提出的想法可以帮助我克服在直销环境下可能会感到的不适和犹豫。


Transactional selling, also termed as traditional selling, is more focused on short term sales, where the primary focus of a marketer is on the promotion of the product and enhancing the sales. Sales are enhanced through mass marketing, and transactional selling is a product-oriented approach, where the features of a product are used as tools to sell (Zoltners, Sinha & Lorimar, 2004). Grönroos (1994) has concluded that marketing officials need to move beyond the use of marketing mix for increasing the sales of the company products. The concept of trust is at the core of relationship marketing, which is created through being engaged in quality interaction. In trust based selling the main focus is on creation of long term relationship with the customer, thus necessitating significant level of consumer involvement during decision making process. Conversely, the transaction focused selling focuses on sale of the product, with little emphasis on gaining input from the customer during the decision making process. Trust based selling can even result in the customers willing to pay more (Business Blueprint, 2012).A breakthrough in the field of marketing is associated with the work of Galper (2015), who has offered different approaches to handling the sales process.

Traditional direct selling induces feelings of discomfort among the sales personnel (Galper, n.d.a). The idea of talking to customers who may not show a positive attitude towards the seller can become a source of anxiety, as the fear of rejection takes over the seller (Verbeke & Bagozzi, 2000). When a seller is not equipped with the technique to manage his interaction with the customers, it results in negative evaluation. Furthermore, trying to exclude informal communication and creativity makes the traditional direct sales a flawed approach (Galper, n.d.a).Galper (2015) has provided some useful insight into the way direct selling can be made more meaningful, moving beyond the act of closing sales. Galper (n.d.b) has shared his personal experience to identify how trust is the foundation of successful sales relationship. It is not about creating trust among the target market, or buyers, as Galper (n.d.b) has pointed out that both parties need to experience comfortduring the interaction. As a seller, the ideas presented by the author can help in overcoming the discomfort and hesitation I am likely to feel in the context of direct sales.