

代写论文-新西兰电子垃圾减少浪费的建议。随着技术以更快的速度发展,新西兰的老技术被抛弃了(Yeo et al., 2015)。进步的速度如此之快并不是国家的过错,而是由于没有采取措施。这些措施本可以帮助拯救国家及其周边地区(Petridis et al., 2016)。新西兰境内大多数冗余的电子工具正在填土。据统计,美国每年有3 -4亿电子垃圾被倾倒,只有20%或更少的电子垃圾能够达到回收利用的阶段(Farrelly et al., 2014)。尽管这8万吨垃圾只占新西兰垃圾填埋场总垃圾的2%,但产生的有毒垃圾却占了70%。《减少废物法》于2008年实施,并规定了管理产品,尽管这不是通过卫生部提供的(Herat et al., 2015)。然而,根据这项法案,回收作为一个过程已经在地方层面上进行了,部里和人们已经开始做出更大的努力,让电子垃圾远离垃圾填埋场。然而,浪费是如此之大,甚至这样的努力似乎都是浪费。

Zealand is to ensure that the lifespan of the products is enhanced.
The key to increasing the lifespan of the products is to reuse. Various older products have been exported to developing nations. Even though the advantages of electronic reuse in this manner are clearly depicted, the practice might result in causing serious issues as the older products being dumped after a shorter use period in regions might have no likeliness towards having lesser impact over environment. However, with increased lifespan, reuse becomes not only possible but also feasible (Yeo et al., 2015). For this, it is essential to develop reuse systems which are replicable, sustainable and consistent globally for the equipment’s from electronic and electrical background. If the PCs are in properly working situation, then one should not throw them away rather they need to be donated to schools or organizations that work within the education field. Prior to donation of the computer, it has to be ensured that the product can be reused. Organizations accepting donations have either no resources or limited ones (Robinson, 2009). They also do not have proper employees to understand the hardware and repair it. A system which is functional and working particular with regard to wiring, monitoring and licenses of software is of much use and needs lesser up-gradation than a computer which is non-working and not complete.
Another key recommendation is recycling. For this, it is required to enhance the infrastructures of global recycling, enhance the technologies as well as systems for realizing e-waste recycling systems sustainability with specific focus within developing nations. If the computers or other electronic equipment’s are completely non-functional, then it is better to give them back to the one manufacturing them. The electronics recycling will help in reduction of pollution which is generated when waste is generated while manufacturers can turn the old product into a newer one (Yeo et al., 2015). This also decreases natural resources based pressure by also reducing the energy utilized in manufacturing newer product.
Another essential recommendation is to consider building of capacity. The infrastructure development should be done in a way that it results in sustainability, efficiency, effectiveness and capacity building with target group orientation for increasing awareness over the growing problem of e-waste.

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