

代写价格-在线旅行社的市场发展和变化。在过去的20年里,在线旅行社出现了,并且非常受欢迎。已经有很多公司在这些领域走在了前列,并建立了非常强大的市场地位。除了可以灵活地在任何地方进行预订外,这些旅行社还提供了巨大的预订节省。在线旅行社主要针对客户的期望和他们的愿望(Lindgardt et al, 2009)。这有助于他们维护高服务质量,并降低了总体的不确定性程度。因此,重要的是要满足顾客的愿望和期望,以确保有高的服务。

When there was a growing need for the growth of the online business for tourism, Thomas Cook widened its overall distribution through the online channel with the help of the online websites and the different call centres of the company. This helped in the development of the system which was perfect as per the behaviour of the customer. There was no need for following a fixed business model without any change. In addition to this, the company also did the number of changes in their overall infrastructure. With the change in the thought process of the customers, there had been a change in their pre-packaged vacations format (Sauto, 2015). The company made a change by making some of the new product offerings. This included the independent flights and the hotels for the convenience of the customers.
Thus, it can be said that though the company had earned a lot of success because of their long history of success and their business model, a large number of adjustments had been made in order to cope up with the different challenges of the industry and to live up to the changing expectations of the customers (Crouch & Ritchie, 1999). This was something that may not be possible with the help of the fixed business model.
Therefore, from the analysis, it can be found that business model cannot be implemented in the tourism industry because of the changing needs of the customer and also because of the change in the market. It can also be found that the company had also been impacted as a result of the technological, economical and the social changes. It is ascertain that the tourism industry is impacted more and more because of the change in the business environment rather than following a fixed business model. In case the company had been following a fixed business model, it could not live up to the time (Frey & George, 2010).

Thus, it can be concluded that the tourism industry is one of the most variable industries in the world. There are a number of changes in the industry on a consistent basis. In order to live up to the expectations of the customers and to implement the changes in the proper manner, it is important that the tourism companies are not dependent on the business model at all (Hart et al, 2011). It is important that the companies should working on making new and more feasible methods for the assistance of the customers and to ensure that they get the best environment at a good cost. In this report, the discussion has been focused on the tourism industry. There has been an analysis of the approaches which are used by the companies for the growth of the business and also for the enhancement of their own service quality. In order to provide real evidence, the business strategies which are implemented by Thomas cook (which is the traditional travel agency) and Expedia (which is the most popular online travel agency) has been studied and analyzed. From the studies, it has been found that there is a minimal requirement of the business model in the tourism industry. There has been a study on the business model and some literature evidences regarding the business models has also been analysed.

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