


富豪娱乐集团拥有超过6800个屏幕在全国各地一直是最抢手的电影厅为电影爱好者由于高质量的图形和最好的音频系统在该国。随着移动技术的i-pads手机完全可操作方便,去电影院的威胁是多方面的,许多。这些小工具是很容易提供的可以下载或免费查看任何电影,因为在互联网的存在下,在任何地方的选择。因此,年轻一代并不真的需要拿出一个特定的时间去电影院看电影。我们已经知道,它需要很多钱的电影厅和剧院的日常运作,它是设计和辞职各种创收策略没有电影厅可真长亏损势在必行。作为帝王娱乐集团是一个忠诚的员工,这会很好的制定一定的政策和目前的需求,从而吸引更多的人群,从而创造更多的利润。首先要明白应该有家庭剧院和i-pads可以得到关于电影厅体验不独特的东西很重要。这将迫使一个电影爱好者来和看电影在大厅里。3 D电影院的规定以及不同的互动体验,观众可以根据他/她的喜好调整电影风格,保持潜在的。事情应该屏幕的电影可以在前一年被金曲随着新发布的移动。


With the wide access to mobile media and movie piracy, which has lead to the most decrease in the number of movie goers, it is important for the young generation to value the facilities available and not to condemn the soda and popcorn being offered or else, the day is not really very far when the movie industry would really be a thing of the fast.
Regal entertainment group with more than 6,800 screens across the country has been one of the most sought after movie halls for the movie lovers due to the high quality graphics and the best audio system in the country. With the mobile technology being fully operational and easily accessible in I-pads and phones, the threats to the movie theatres are multi fold and many. These gadgets which are easily available can download or freely view any movie as per choice at any place in the presence of internet. Thus, the young generation does not really need to take out a specific time to go to a movie hall and watch a movie. As we are already aware, that it requires a lot of money for the daily functioning of the movies halls and multiplexes, it is imperative to devise and resign various revenue generating strategies as no movie hall can really incur losses for long. As a loyal employee of Regal Entertainment group, it would really be good to strategize certain policies as per the present requirement so as to attract more crowds and thus generate more profit. It is first very important to understand that there should be something unique about the movie hall experience which cannot be obtained in home theatres and I-pads. This will force a movie lover to come and watch the movie in the hall. The provisions for 3 D cinemas along with different interactive experiences where a viewer can adjust the movie style as per his/her preferences holds potential. The multiplexes should screen movies which could be golden hits in the previous years along with the new released moves.