

代写论文-澳门旅游的吸引力评级。澳门的旅游吸引力评级显示,受访者认为澳门的吸引力介于最具吸引力(多数人的意见)和社会价值观之间,多数人认为博彩业的危害最小。首先,这显示了当地居民对澳门的欣赏,他们也认为与内地的同龄人相比,澳门人在赌博方面更自由。对澳门旅游业的研究确实表明,澳门及其相关发展带动了人的发展(Wan, & Bramwell, 2015;因此,难怪人们也欣赏它。接下来论文范文代写论文-澳门旅游的吸引力评级分享给留学生阅读。

Attractiveness of tourism rating in Macau indicates that participants believe Macau to range between attractive to most attractive (the majority opinion), and also in terms of societal values, the majority consider casino industry as being least detrimental. Primarily, this shows the appreciation of the local population for Macau and also they consider gambling in a more liberal sense compared to their peers in the Mainland. Research studies on the tourism industry of Macau does indicate that Macau and its related development has led to people development (Wan, & Bramwell, 2015; Ashworth & Voogd, 1990), and hence it is not wonder that the people are appreciative of it, too.

In terms of attractiveness, sometimes the perceived tourist attractions from the local resident end and the tourist end would differ leading to mismatch in the tourism development being supported by local society (Ashworth & Page, 2011). In the case of the Macau industry, a majority stated that such a difference might not exist. In terms of sustainability, however the majority drops to 50 percent. Macau hence must ensure that its support for tourism is ensured in a sustainable way, with minimal or no economic and environment impact to the territory. Sustainability is fast becoming an agenda in many tourism hot spots and Macau is not an exception (Ashworth, & Tunbridge, 1990). As presented in the pie chart, a vast majority have no problem agreeing that gambling and casinos are the major elements of tourism. Both local residents and tourists are aware of this.

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