

代寫價格-流行音樂對社會現象的影響。流行音樂在引領社會潮流方面發揮了關鍵作用,它宣揚容忍、優越的人類價值,甚至給各種社區的信仰系統以實質內容。引領潮流、接受變化的社會文化背景、提出更新的想法、適應環境和思考過程——這些都是受流行音樂的影響。正是流行音樂的力量抓住或擊敗了許多當權者。很多時候,它是一個特定國家生存的決定性因素。在許多情況下,它導致了一些壓迫性因素的垮台。自馬丁·路德·金德(Martin Luther Kind)和納爾遜·門達拉(Nelson Mendala)時代以來,反對種族隔離的漫長鬥爭中,有幾位音樂家貢獻了他們最好的創作。他們深情地用卡裏普索和其他流行的節奏來發泄他們的感情。事實上,很多時候,抗議的形式是通過唱流行歌曲和使用當地制造的樂器來制作他們的典型音樂。事實上,流行音樂是動態的,總是適應人們的需要和多才多藝。“hambone”音樂形式是由非洲裔美國人推廣開來的,他們通過敲打身體的不同部位來創造音樂節拍。因此,流行音樂滿足了人們的基本需求,同時也表達了他們對自由的渴望。論文范文代寫價格-流行音樂對社會現象的影響分享給留學生閱讀。

Thus, it is the power of popular music that has held or defeated many of those in authority. Many a times it is the deciding factor for the survival of a particular power. In many cases, it has resulted in the downfall of a number of oppressive elements. The long drawn fight against apartheid fought since the times of Martin Luther Kind to Nelson Mendala had several musicians contributing their best creations to the cause. They soulfully used the calypso and other popular beats on steal bands to give vent to their feelings. In fact, many a times the form of protest was through singing popular compositions and using locally made musical instruments to make their typical music. In fact, popular music was dynamic, always adapting to the needs of the people and versatile. The ‘hambone’ form of music was popularized by African origin Americans who beat on various parts of their anatomy to create music beats. Thus, popular music suited the basic needs of the people of the people while expressing their desire for freedom .

Freedom has had different meanings for people in various ages. Freedom was not just the ability to breathe freely in an atmosphere that defied oppression, but it was the choice that human beings had to make their own choices, exercise their own free will and progress according to their own genius. However, this freedom has been restricted to a selective few and taken away ruthlessly from to the larger proportion of others who had yearned for this freedom all their lives. Freedom has come to mean many things to many people. For some people, freedom from discrimination was the ideal for others. It was the ability to be considered a human being. In several instances, popular music has always impacted tremendously upon the accepted bastions of socio-cultural existence. Homosexuality and its acceptance were greatly popularized through the work of David Bowie, Prince and even Michael Jackson (Furlong, 223).

Thus, popular music has played a pivotal role in setting the trends in society. It has preached tolerance, superior human values and even given substance to the belief systems of various communities. The responsibility of setting trends, obtaining acceptance of changed socio-cultural scenario and taking forward newer ideas, adaptations and thought process- all have been at the behest of popular music.

論文范文代寫價格-流行音樂對社會現象的影響就為留學生分享到這裏。中國留學生英語論文不會寫,可以找加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此論文代寫平台可以解決中國留學生的論文寫作難題,保證論文原創,為留學生提供畢業論文代寫、report代寫、essay代寫等論文服務,並使用權威的抄襲檢測系統,讓留學生們輕松應對論文寫作並創作出專屬個人的優秀論文!