




The young people have different attitudes about sex. For them, ‘yes’ is not always the yes, as they are tend to change their mind about sex very often. Affirmative consent is not always the answer to a young individual’s sexual anxieties. The consent is a legal and ethical term. Some of the youngsters now days do not understand the importance of consent and according to them ‘sex’ are still an experimental realm where they have to find themselves and see how they fare. Many a times, for them sex just happens and one does not have any specific plans for it. Yet, under all circumstances, the consent of the partner is a very important part of the contract between two people. It is especially among the young people that yes cannot be yes all the time as a person may change their mind. Young girls and many of the ladies may make up their minds to have sex with somebody, but on some gut feeling call it women’s intuition, they may refuse to go forward with their promises. This does not in any way mean that the man can bind her by law to toe the line.
She can easily extricate herself from the promised contract by simply denying her favors to that particular person at that particular time. Several people have made out a case for the man to whom the sexual favor has been denied by saying that the person is feeling low and cheated, because they could not get what they were promised. Many of the men have argued that their chances are ruined with other women as one woman had denied them. Or some of the men may give the plea that they had planned ahead for a great time and were left deflated by the denial of the woman. However, why stick to sexual favors only there are so many plans that one makes in the course of life, some fructify some don’t, they should realize that there is always a next time. The men should not take this law too seriously and get on with life. If one woman has denied them sexual favor they should probably find someone else.
