


The advertisement shows a young girl, a teen, Jasmine Thomas, wearing a Puma sweatshirt. The girl participated in the Puma Big Shot open try out. The text reads about how she broke unto the team, broke a bone, broke the spirits of the other team and more, and still wondered about whether she broke a nail.
The value represented here is that young teenage girls are into sports just as much as the professional players. Just because they worry about a broken nail does not mean they would lack interest in soccer.
Teenagers will like the attitude the advertisement represents. They will be encouraged to try it out as it supports their sports fervour and understands their teen needs at the same time.
People will be influenced to buy it because the advertisement will appeal to their attitude in sports at their age.
Understanding the Customer
The youth of current times are knowledgeable in what they want. Youngsters of age 12-17 teenagers are considered the youth market. As of the year 2003, these youngsters were reported to spend around 103$ a week (Calvert, 2008). They can make their own choices in certain purchases like a sports shirt or sports accessories and hence it is necessary to make use of their spending opportunity and market things directly catering to their attitudes and not their parent attitudes.
According to the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, much of the youth market’s physiological needs and even shelter and security needs are met. They, however, have belonging need and ego needs. They are too young for self-actualisation, but they want to be accepted in a group and the brand helps them identify themselves with peers who use similar brands. Their ego needs make them want to use brands that sports professionals use. However, they are still young and like the girl in the advertisement worries about little things like whether their nail broke. Therefore, the advertisement has to capture their egos and their insecurities with respect to belongingness and growing up.

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