


Management level controls to address non-compliance with legislation
1. The management must be strict enough to punish the violating employee after the employees are trained about the legislations to be followed. This will create some discipline to follow legislations. The management must themselves follow as an example.
2. The employee relationship must be unique such that it is not threatening and also not liberal. This can be done by commanding the work to be done and not letting them act liberally.
3. The management must set up a minimum performance criteria under which the employees work and are paid. This can trigger a motivation to act ethically according to the law, and enhance productivity. A healthy working environment in terms of provisions and relationship is a unique way of enhancing productivity (Smith and Haley, 2011).
4. Financial control such as putting limits on specific projects or division can trigger some encouragement about following the legislation because non-compliance can be dangerously career wise and reputation wise for the employee.
5. Keeping employee records and disclosing it to the relevant authorities from time to time can motivate the employees to follow all taught legislation regularly, because not following them will result in a weak resume when the employee plans to move out of the company.
The tubular form of the management level action plan is in Appendix 2.
Risk controls depending on the hierarchy of controls
The first and foremost entity or department to be most responsible is the top management as they are the ones who makes the second in-command department, the health and safety department, more eligible for identifying risk and eliminating it. Then comes the health and safety team who needs to undergo a mandatory HSR training, because this training will eventually teach them everything about risk, disaster, and crisis management so that the hotel can save on its risks repair and eliminate them completely. This team then has the final assessment teams under them including the workers, managers who actually observe and identify possibilities of risk in the hotel premises and make immediate action plan for eliminating the same.
When the top management is controlling the finance and funding for the risk assessment and disaster management, the HSR team will be aware of their limitations in terms of actions and controlling the assessment team and the workers. The HSR team will in turn control the actions of the workers and limit them to the prescribed limits of finance. Undertaking unnecessary practices which are supplementary and not required on an immediate basis is important to be controlled by the top management so that risks are also eliminated and costs are saved back and reduced.
Cost benefit analysis of non-compliance, hazards, and recommended controls
The cost of non-compliance is difficult to assess as the tangible and intangible consequences when added can lead the costs to unexpected levels. The non-compliance is more costly for legislations as the following of legislations will lead to violations of all laws and the cost of repairing the violations is very high, lengthy, time consuming, and financially burdensome. It is therefore better to invest into training of the employees about the legislations,so that the cost of risk and disaster repair is avoided.
Hazards that are identified in the hotel are dangerous and must be repaired with immediate effect, because not repairing them may continue to make the situation more serious and there could be spiralling costs of life and property loss in the making which may not be perceived. The management must take the step to repair all risk and disaster possibilities to reduce the risk repair cost for the future. When the controls are implemented, the benefits will rise in the form of increased occupancy, increased profits higher profit margin, growing reputation, moving towards ethical standard of operations.

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